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The Employee WFH Checklist: What Your Staff Will Need to Continue Making WFH Possible

The Employee WFH Checklist: What Your Staff Will Need to Continue Making WFH Possible
Every employer that can, needs to allow their employees to work from home as often as they can. Allowing remote and hybrid working is just smart. It’s how employers like yourself can offer perks that matter most and keep employees for longer. Think they’ll get distracted when working from home? They’re just as distracted at work. If someone comes and asks someone else a question, or just engages in small talk, that’s distracting. In fact, you’re actually more likely to have distracted employees in the office than at home. That being said, WFH can only be possible if the setup at home is good enough. At a minimum, employees need a computer and fast enough internet to seamlessly remote in to the computers that you have at the office. They can then control the computer as they would if they were in the office, only without having to come in. If you need them to be more engaged, then they’ll need an even more advanced setup. It’s perfectly reasonable to only allow WFH if and when your employees’ home offices fulfil this checklist: Fast Enough Internet Fast internet is the bare standard. Set the minimum, and even find better internet for working from home yourself. If your area is covered by fiber optics, for example, you can request that employees who work from home have that internet. Depending on what their job entails, you can even require them to have 1gbps speeds for seamless remote work. A Computer That Can Handle Their Job If your employees work from home the majority of the time, you can also downsize your office and save so much on rent and utilities, but unless you’re providing them with the computer anyway, you’ll want to add some hardware and software requirements for staff who want to work from home either full-time or most-of-the-time. This is particularly important when it comes to security measures and special software. Again, you can get around this most of the time by just using a remote-in system. This way, your computers can have the software and files needed, and your employees just need to be able to run that remote-in software, but it’s up to you and your workflows. Good Quality Video and Audio Seeing someone in crystal clear definition can improve the camaraderie and also communication. That’s why you’ll need your employees to have an HD camera setup and professional mike. These two things alone will help improve the quality of remote meetings and the engagement levels of all your staff. A Great Printer Even with a digital-first mindset, there will always be instances where things need to be printed, scanned, and sent over. That’s why you’ll need your WFH staff to have a great printer that can do it all, and fast. For best results, give your employees a checklist with specific requirements, including the system requirements. This is an absolutely fair compromise if you’re wary of allowing WFH to continue. From there, it’s just a matter of changing your management approach towards a results-focused approach, rather than a time-focused approach. Do this, and you will attract amazing talent that will work hard to stay in such a wonderful working...
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5 Money Goals for Your 20s: Setting a Solid Foundation for Financial Success

5 Money Goals for Your 20s: Setting a Solid Foundation for Financial Success
Your 20s are an exciting time filled with new experiences and opportunities, and it’s also a crucial period for setting the stage for your financial future. By establishing smart money goals early on, you can build a solid foundation for financial success and achieve your long-term dreams. In this blog post, we will discuss five essential money goals that every twenty-something should consider pursuing. From budgeting and saving to investing and building credit, these goals will help you make the most of your finances and set you on a path towards a secure and prosperous future. Goal 1: Create and Stick to a Budget One of the most important money goals for your 20s is creating a budget and, more importantly, sticking to it. A budget allows you to gain control over your finances, track your expenses, and ensure that you’re living within your means. Start by listing your monthly income and categorizing your expenses. Identify areas where you can cut back and allocate your money towards savings, debt repayment, and essential expenses. Utilize budgeting apps and tools to streamline the process and stay on top of your financial health. By mastering the art of budgeting early on, you’ll develop responsible spending habits that will serve you well throughout your life. Goal 2: Build an Emergency Fund Life is full of unexpected twists and turns, and having a financial safety net in the form of an emergency fund is crucial. Aim to save three to six months’ worth of living expenses in a separate account that you can access in case of unexpected events like medical emergencies, car repairs, or job loss. Start small if necessary, but make consistent contributions to your emergency fund. Automate your savings by setting up direct deposits and make it a priority in your budget. Having an emergency fund will provide peace of mind and prevent you from falling into debt or relying on credit cards during challenging times. Goal 3: Start Investing Early While retirement may seem far off in your 20s, starting to invest early is a powerful tool for building long-term wealth. Take advantage of compound interest by investing in retirement accounts like a 401(k) or an Individual Retirement Account (IRA). If your employer offers a matching contribution, contribute at least enough to receive the full match—it’s essentially free money. Additionally, consider investing in low-cost index funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) to diversify your portfolio. The power of compounding will allow your investments to grow over time, giving you a significant advantage in reaching your financial goals. Goal 4: Manage Debt Responsibly Whether it’s student loans, credit card debt, or a car loan, managing your debt responsibly is crucial in your 20s. Start by understanding the terms and interest rates of your debts, and create a plan to pay them off strategically. Prioritize high-interest debt first, while making minimum payments on other obligations. Consider debt consolidation or refinancing options to reduce interest rates and make repayment more manageable. Avoid accruing new debt whenever possible, and use credit cards responsibly, paying off the balance in full each month. By tackling your debts head-on and developing healthy financial habits, you’ll set yourself up for a future free from the burden of excessive debt. Goal 5: Build and Maintain a Good Credit Score Your credit score plays a vital role in your financial life, influencing your ability to secure loans, rent an apartment, or even land a job. Building and maintaining a good credit score is an essential money goal for your 20s. Start by understanding the factors that impact your credit score, such as payment history, credit utilization, and length of credit history....
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Making Money on YouTube Without Showing Your Face

Making Money on YouTube Without Showing Your Face
Making money on YouTube without showing your face is certainly possible. Here are some strategies you can use: Create screen-capture videos You can create tutorial videos, software reviews, gaming content, or presentations where you record through your computer screen while providing voice-over narration. This allows you to share valuable information without revealing your face. Animated videos Use animation software or tools to create engaging and informative videos. You can use animations, text, and graphics to convey your message or tell a story. There are various animation styles you can explore, such as whiteboard animations, 2D animations, or motion graphics. Voice-over videos If you’re comfortable with your voice but don’t want to show your face, consider creating voice-over videos. You can use slides, images, or video clips to support your voice-over narration. This works well for storytelling, educational content, or commentary videos. Tube Automate: A Beginner’s Guide To Making $5,000/mo With YouTube Automation Niche channels Focus on a specific niche or topic that doesn’t require your face to be on camera. Examples include audio production, nature documentaries, ASMR, narrating stories, or historical analysis. Find a niche that you’re passionate about and create content around it. Secrets to Growing a Successful YouTube Channel in 2023 Collaborations Instead of creating content on your own, collaborate with other YouTubers who are comfortable showing their faces. You can contribute your expertise, voice-over narration, or animation skills to their videos while still benefiting from the exposure and potential revenue. Podcasting Start a podcast where you discuss topics of interest, interview guests, or share insights. While podcasts are audio-focused, you can also upload the episodes to YouTube with relevant images or graphics as a static visual element. Focus on video production quality If you’re not showing your face, it’s crucial to compensate with high-quality video production. Invest in good equipment such as a quality microphone for clear audio and editing software to enhance your videos. Engaging visuals, appealing graphics, and well-crafted content can help retain viewership. Remember, to monetize your YouTube channel, you’ll need to meet certain eligibility requirements, such as having at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the last 12 months. Once you meet these requirements, you can apply for the YouTube Partner Program and explore monetization options such as ads, sponsorships, merchandise, or crowdfunding. Can I use Creative Commons videos on YouTube and monetize? It is important to respect copyright laws and intellectual property rights when using content from other creators. Reuploading someone else’s Creative Commons videos without proper attribution or permission may infringe on their rights. However, if you want to use Creative Commons videos in a legal and ethical manner, here are the steps you can follow: Understand Creative Commons licenses Creative Commons licenses provide a range of permissions for creators to specify how their work can be used. Familiarize yourself with the different types of Creative Commons licenses and their specific requirements. Each license may have different conditions, such as providing attribution to the original creator or sharing the derivative work under the same license. Search for Creative Commons videos There are several platforms where you can find Creative Commons videos, such as YouTube, Vimeo, or dedicated Creative Commons repositories like Pixabay or Wikimedia Commons. Use the advanced search filters on these platforms to specifically look for Creative Commons-licensed content. Review the license terms Once you find a video that you want to use, make sure to review the license terms associated with it. Check for any restrictions, requirements, or conditions specified by the license. Some licenses may allow you to use the video for commercial purposes, while others may have limitations. Attribute the original creator If the...
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Lifting Spirits: How To Keep Your People Happy

Lifting Spirits: How To Keep Your People Happy
As a manager, it is essential that you know how to keep your people happy. When your entire team has high morale, the whole business can benefit. High morale can increase productivity, reduce staff turnover and create a positive workplace atmosphere. This will also allow you to excel in your role as a manager, give you great job satisfaction, and improve your relationships with your team members. So, what can you do to keep your people happy at work? There are a few methods that you can use that should lift morale and improve the performance of your team and business as a whole.  Offer Flexibility First, it is important that you offer flexibility. Flexible working has become the norm since the COVID-19 pandemic, and many employees are resigning if forced back into the office full-time. A hybrid work model has become the most common in recent times and can provide the best of both worlds. Hybrid work can improve morale and could even boost productivity when you have a clear system in place and high-quality remote work tools. Give Regular Feedback Employees crave feedback, but this is often shied away from by managers. Feedback is important because it can help an employee to feel valued, plus it allows them to learn about any areas that they need to work on. Regular feedback can also help to create a stronger connection between management and employees – just make sure that constructive feedback is given in private and do not shy away from publicly praising your employees (this can even motivate your other employees to work hard).  Encourage Autonomy Autonomy can be helpful in the workplace because people often discover their own best ways of working. In addition to this, autonomy can free up time and energy for managers to focus on other areas of their roles. You want to make sure that you avoid micromanaging, especially when it comes to your remote staff.  Streamline Payroll & Pensions Ultimately, there is nothing more important than payroll when it comes to keeping your employees happy. It is essential that your people are paid in full and on time each and every month, and a payroll management system will be the best way to manage this area of the business. A payroll management system can streamline the payroll process for efficient and effective delivery of wages each month. Additionally, payroll management systems can ensure tax and legal compliance too. This will include auto enrolment for pensions, which was an initiative brought in as part of the Pensions Act 2008 to ensure that all eligible employees are enrolled in a workplace pension. All employers must pay into this pension by law, and a payroll management system can help you to manage payroll and pensions.  Encourage Idea-Sharing Idea-sharing is mutually beneficial as you might find that your employees have bright ideas for ways to improve the business, plus it can be helpful for lifting morale and helping staff feel valued. You should encourage staff to come forward with ideas, involve them in decisions and make them feel like part of the larger organization.  Provide Career Development Opportunities You are also likely to have ambitious employees wanting to climb the ladder. You must provide your people with the opportunity to develop new skills and advance their careers within your company. If you do not do this, your people will start to look elsewhere when they feel ready for a new challenge, and you want to avoid high levels of staff turnover. Providing development opportunities is mutually beneficial as you are able to develop your employees and fill vacancies internally while also keeping your employees happy...
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How to Design an Eco-Friendly Kitchen For Your Office

How to Design an Eco-Friendly Kitchen For Your Office
Just as in the clothing and fashion world, trends come and go in interior design, and it may well be the case that you have historically been a little reluctant to invest in an entirely new kitchen unit in a striking color, only for it to go out of style the next year, particularly when it is only used by your staff during the day while using your office space. However, it will be completely worth it, and it may even become a communal area for staff to build better bonds – you couldn’t ask for better as a manager!  As you embark on this exciting journey, there is one trend that isn’t likely to disappear, meaning it won’t be wasted money. In fact, it will continue to grow in importance and necessity. This trend is eco-friendly, and this guide will take you through how you can transform your office kitchen into one that fits this trend.   Upgrade to Energy Efficient Appliances First and foremost, not only will upgrading and updating your kitchen appliances to newer, energy-efficient ones make for a much more eco-friendly operation in your kitchen, but it will also help you to reduce your monthly energy bills. In addition to ensuring that your kettle, toaster oven, and even your juicer have been tested and approved to be energy efficient in nature, you should also check that your dishwasher is water-efficient and bear in mind that induction ovens (if you have them) are considerably eco-friendlier than a traditional hob.  Granite Countertops A mainstay of a kitchen designed with caring for and protecting the environment in mind is a countertop made from granite. Not only will a reputable and renowned granite supplier be more than happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the size and suitability of your office kitchen, but they will also show you a wide range of different colors, textures, and finishes.  Benefits of granite countertops include, amongst a host of others, the following: An affordable addition to the kitchen and cheap installation costs Unique and one-of-a-kind finishes due to the natural material High levels of heat resistance Stain resistant as long as the sealant is regularly and properly applied High resistance to scratches and chips – perfect if you have a lot of staff members using the kitchen to make their lunches Go Plastic Free Obviously, you will already be fully aware of the extreme dangers of the far-too-high levels of plastic consumption, both here in the United States and further afield. As such, if you are truly dedicated to planning an eco-friendly kitchen, you need to ditch the plastic.  Instead of supplying your staff with clingfilm, switch to wrappers made entirely from beeswax, which is a sustainable and reusable alternative. From now on, only buy biodegradable bags for trash cans rather than normal bin bags.  Avoid Food Waste Finally, and especially if you have a lot of employees, it is likely that you waste considerably higher amounts of food than you may think, and for an eco-friendly kitchen, this needs to stop or needs to be handled correctly. If your employees do throw away food, make sure they do so into a food waste bin that you can then add to a compost (perfect for making your outside area of the office...
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