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Methods of Decision Making

Methods of Decision Making
METHODS OF DECISION MAKING A. Marginal income or Cost analysis: This method is used to compare additional revenues arising from additional costs. Break even point is that point in which the cost equals revenue and it can be defined as a no loss, no gain situation. Profit can be enjoyed by a firm only when the revenue exceeds cost that is after crossing the break even point. A manager must have all the necessary data pertaining to total cost and its various components in order to arrive at a decision. B. Cost-effective analysis: This tries to find out the cheapest way in reaching the objective or shall we say the greatest value for expenditure. Mass production facilitates in factorizing the economies of scale where the objective is oriented towards output and sustained availability of the product year round. C. Experience: The mistakes committed become great lessons in due course of time generally and this holds good for managers involved in making crucial decisions. It ensures right decisions to be taken in similar situations. But one has to remember that decisions are inclined to make an impact on future events. So, it is up to the manager to take the right kind of decisions using his intuitions as well as experience. The late chairman of SIMPSONS GROUP, Anantharamakrishnan was very intuitive and under his leadership the organization touched new heights and diversified its activities like never before. Note: Anantharamakrishnan is remembered for his successful business practices, efficient management of the labour unions and for triggering the growth of the automobile industry of Chennai which has earned the city the epithet “Detroit of India”. As a result he himself came to be remembered as the “Henry Ford of South India.” Courtesy: Wikipedia D. Experimentation: Why people go for test-marketing? Because when the factors are intangible, you have to try out every alternative only through experiments or trail and error. Market surveys and questionnaires are useful tools when it comes to launching of a new product in the target market. E. Research and analysis: This involves the application of tools and techniques of operations research  to the process of decision making based on mathematical functions. Risk-analysis and Decision-trees are the other methods used that illustrate decision points, chance events, and probability of each course of action. TYPES OF DECISIONS: · Routine and Strategic: Routine- regular decisions involving day to day affairs of the firm- leave procedures, work atmosphere. Strategic decisions are central to the firm’s operations- price fixing, product elimination etc. · Individual and Group decisions: Managers at the top level are inclined to take individual decisions and some important inter-departmental decisions may be taken up by members of the respective groups. · Programmed and Non-programmed decisions: Decision taken by the low-level personnel which are regular and repetitive in nature are programmed-late attendance, medical compensation etc., Non-repetitive and unusual decisions like mergers and acquisitions, collaboration agreements belong to the non-programmed category. · Simple and Complex decisions: Where the problem is simple but the outcome has a high degree of certainty are called mechanistic or routine decisions. Where the problem is simple but the outcome has a low degree of certainty are judgmental in nature. Where the problem is complex and the outcome has a high degree of certainty are analytical and where the problem is complex but the outcome has low degree of certainty are adaptive decisions. MAKING EFFECTIVE DECISIONS: · Timing of decisions: A new product only if introduced into the market at the right time will be a success for which the manager should select the appropriate time for taking the decisions. · Effective communication: The decisions taken should be communicated down the line for effective implementation. · Top management support: The support of top management is indispensable for effective decision-making since it...
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Role of Training

Role of Training
Role of Training Some Definitions of Training: According to Flippo, “Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee for doing a particular job”. Training can also be defined as  as “any planned or structured activity or approach designed to help an individual or a group of people to learn as to do things differently or to do different things leading to more effective performance and results”.  Role of Training: Training is the best way to reach the enterprise goals in minimum time period with maximum efficiency. 1. Training unlike experience can reduce the time required to reach maximum efficiency. 2. Cost of training in much less than the cost of adding experience . 3. The results of experience sometimes can be accidental. 4. The expected results are very much assured in a well conceived and well conducted training program. 5. Its purpose is to achieve a change in the behaviour of those trained and to enable them to do their jobs better. 6. Training makes newly appointed employees fully productive in lesser time. Identifying Training Needs: There are three elements of training – purpose, place and time. Training without a purpose is useless because nothing would be achieved out of it. The purpose must be identified carefully and now there are a large number of techniques available for establishing training needs. Having identified the purpose of a training programme, its place must be determined i.e. whether it has to be on the job or off the job. Place would decide the choice of training method and also affect its effectiveness. The next element is the time. Training must be provided at the right time. A late training would provide obsolete knowledge, which would be useless for the employees.  1. Organizational Analysis: – Comprehensive analysis of organizational structure, objectives, culture, processes of decision – making, future objectives and so on. Analysis begins with an understating of short term & long-term goals of the organization. Is there  adequate manpower to fulfill organizational objectives? Whether the work-force  possess required skill & knowledge? Are the employees willing to learn?  2. Task analysis: Thorough analysis of various components of jobs and how they are performed has to be done. Task analysis would indicate whether tasks have changed over period of time & whether employees have adequate skill in performs their tasks. 3. Man Analysis: The focus is on individual, his skill, abilities, knowledge & attitude. Key Indicators are Meeting Deadlines Quality of performance Work behavior...
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