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The Emotional Science Behind a Happy Relationship

The Emotional Science Behind a Happy Relationship
How Can a Strong Emotional Intelligence Foster a Happy Relationship? The Emotional Science Behind a Happy Relationship – Lets see some surprising elements that hold couples together. It is a well known fact that couples where both people have high levels of Emotional Intelligence are closer, are more committed to one another, and are more satisfied in their relationships. But what is it about EI that is so helpful? The study authors suggest that being able to manage your own emotions, understand your partners’ emotions and behave in emotionally competent ways, all contribute to a happy love life. They also suggest that you likely model good emotional skills when you’re high in EI, and these skills may rub off on you partner, benefiting you both. Happy Couples Talk More People in the most successful marriages spend quality time together talking for 5 hours or more in a week. The determining or deciding factor whether a couple feels satisfied with the sex, romance and passion is by 80% the quality of their friendship with each other. We always see good friends getting married eventually and the success rate is quite high. Im here with you Stay with me As you communicate with each other, don’t listen what you want to hear, but listen to what your partner is trying to convey, because it is the same thing you would expect of him/her to do. Notice whether your partner seems stressed, frazzled, sad, frustrated, confused, pleased, glad, joyful, etc. Such emotional attunement will level up your ability to understand him/her better, and respond in ways that lead to happy and long-lasting relationships. Celebrate Your Partner’s Success This is a crucial factor in a relationship that strengthens your bond. When your partner comes with a good news, you have to say, “Honey, am really proud of you, tell me more about it. Being enthusiastic for small beautiful things about your partner may bring about big amazing results. This especially holds good for a man when his girl accomplishes something, because the only person she wants to appreciate her more than anybody else would be her husband. Find out Your Shared Interests Try to do something together that makes you both happy. Go for an evening walk or dine together in a new restaurant or may be you could start exploring a new place. Happy couples tend to bring out the best in each other. Managing the Moments of Tension Healthy arguments are always part of a relationship – marriage or friendship. When it crosses the limit, happy couples tend to bring it to a truce as quick as possible – through a short message saying Sorry or I Love You or “Friends?” Humor is always part of a happy relationship and how it helps you at times like these is beyond imagination! Plus, a little compromise from one’s end is not a crime – when it helps to hold your relationship together. Unhappy couples tend to do these things when they fight Criticize Show contempt Act defensively Resort to name-calling Tune out At the end of any conflict, focus on reconnecting and rebuilding emotional bonds strained by the conflict. Choose to Trust Your Partner When you build trust in a relationship, you are exercising the best possible relationship management, which is one of the four primary areas of emotional intelligence. Always assume the best of the people you care about, or those you work closely with. This is not only beneficial to your view of the other person, it helps you to move closer to the positive, loving person that you truly are at the core of your being. Trust is a choice you make, it’s not something you wait for the other...
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Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence for Effective Inter Personal Relationships What is Emotional Intelligence : an ability or capacity to perceive, assess, and manage the emotions of one’s self, and of others. Role of Emotions: Emotions play a critical role in organizations where there is a need for people to work in groups or teams. A leader who is strong in mind and thoughtful can perceive, observe and direct the emotions of the team members through proper channels. Such a leader is said to be “emotionally intelligent”. No! It is not about intelligence quotient but emotional intelligence. Empathy is the ultimate quality expected in leaders and managers rather than being rated high in the IQ scale.The capacity to perceive, scrutinize and manage one’s own emotions and that of others is one major factor of advantage in the concept of emotional intelligence. An emotionally intelligent person can institutionalize and manage change as well as make powerful decisions. Grooming of Human Mind and Skills: Human resource management throws up a real challenge to corporate organizations, where human minds and skills have to be groomed for the purpose of transcending their performance to remarkable levels in order to satisfy the production requirements. This is possible only when an organization has a leader who can draft and amalgamate the process of relationship management and skill development without a glitch for the benefit of the organization . Transformational leadership with constructive attitude and open approach is well appreciated and accepted by the worker force. What are the distinct features of emotional intelligence? High perception Being insightful Sensitive to the needs and requirements of the employees Self-control Self-awareness Open communication Empathy Change management skills Effective decision making Ever sanguine Instrumental in developing interpersonal skills Breaks the conventional rules Aggressive and daring in his approach Socially popular and easily gain acceptance Motivation driver The rational quotient behind emotional intelligence helps people to think and act smart even during nerve-racking situations.Emotional intelligence helps people to think and act in a logical manner in stressful situations that can divert their energy into positive thinking. A leader with high emotional intelligence can work efficiently with his team members. The spirit of exuberance from the leader acts as a positive signal and takes the pressure off the employees’ mind. It is this ability to identify and understand the emotions of people working under him makes him a comrade rather than a commando. Why EI is Necessary? Emotional intelligence is necessary for top level executives at management level to stand out and succeed. An ordinary employee who does mundane job everyday is expected to be technically sound and well-trained. The same criterion can never be applied to a manager or a chief executive who is bound to manage both formal and informal teams working under the same roof. Only persons who are emotionally sound can uphold the proceedings with dynamism and verve. By motivating human personnel you can get things done in a smooth manner: Give them a fresh start to prove themselves in case if they fail at the first attempt Anger management of self/others Channelize the emotions of self/others and create positive vibes Perceive the problems from various angles to get a complete picture Understanding the root of the problem Treating work as fun Thinking out of the box – parallel thinking and creative thinking must be encouraged amongst the employee group. People with high emotional intelligence are the ones needed in business community as big corporate organizations always find it difficult to manage human resource. The management has to devise a system that takes into account the intricacies of human mind and assigning right people to handle the perplexities....
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