Posted by Managementguru in Business Management, Project Management, Startups
on Mar 5th, 2014 | 0 comments
Small Business Startup Checklist Establishment of a small business and successfully running it is definitely by no means a small achievement. It is a commendable achievement as entrepreneurs are the backbones of a country’s economy and its growth. Proper planning and understanding the significance of critical factors and determinants affecting a small business paves way for the smooth functioning of your enterprise. What are the prerequisites for running a small business? Any plan or idea to be transformed into a product or a service needs to be categorically put into experimentation and subject to inquiries. Prepare a detailed project report With the help of an external expert consultant get it appraised Let the product be innovative which has hitherto not hit the market, for instance flying cars Plan your geographical area of operations Go for a detailed market survey through questionnaires and giving out free samples Try to gauge the pulse of your target customers Launch your product at the right time Plan your marketing strategy regarding price and promotions Fix up proper capitalization that would meet your financial requirements. Definitely you have to bring in initial working capital of your own and don’t rely solely on bankers for the entire funding. Asset management, fixed capital and working capital management must be absolutely preplanned. Man power requirements -Right person for the right job and the appropriate number of persons needed to complete a job has to be planned. Their recruitment, selection, training and development forms part of the package. Location and Layout Most important criterion is the location and layout of your manufacturing facility. It should facilitate easy movement of materials to bring the product out to the market in the shortest possible time. Avoid bottlenecks or try to resolve them for smooth production. As we all know technology feeds on itself and more the delay, more competitors and better products throng the market. Keep in mind the end product should always reach the buyer or the consumer at the right time. Plan your re order level, delivery schedule and lead times in accordance with the orders in hand. Picture Courtesy : Production Inputs Smooth supply of production inputs, uninterrupted supply of power, copious water supply, the nature of the soil( if your product is agro based), proximity to the market and transportation facilities have to be given due importance. Your product has to be compliant in such a way that it should not pollute the environment. So a proper waste disposal management system should be designed right at the start of your operations. Book-Keeping Proper book keeping and maintaining your accounts will please the tax authorities by which you create goodwill for your company and also keep your credit management under controllable limits. Any product centered around the consumer will be a hit and that is “marketing”. If you plan your success formula from your product that is “selling” that might not always be successful. Your distribution channels should be continuous with unbroken links and strong. The kind of self confidence that you exuberate makes you a reliable person and in the long run you become iconic. Technology Updates Businessmen have trained the customers to expect something new everyday, because such is the power of technology and the competitor force. So it is better to keep yourself updated with the latest technology available in the market. Take your product to your customers in a convincing manner by which it proves to be a win-win situation for both sides; profit making and customer satisfaction for the entrepreneur and buying products the money’s worth and the real benefits of the product for the...
Posted by Managementguru in Business Management, Marketing, Principles of Management, Strategy
on Mar 4th, 2014 | 0 comments
Creating a Niche Market for Your Product Range Abstract to Concrete Ideas: The process of new product development starts with the search for new ideas. Abstract ideas are molded in such a way to suit the market needs. Business persons who want to capture a major share of the market have to think out of the box, to tide over the competition. Small things can make a big difference. Monotonous pattern of thinking will not help you in the long run to survive and sustain in the market. The Significance of R&D: The objective is to obtain ideas for new products, new attributes for the existing products and new usage for the existing product line. Why do you think so much of investment goes into research and development? The fruits of such R and D activities are reflected in the form of improved sales turn over. Market updates on a daily basis also gives you an excellent feedback about the new products that throng the market. Think about this, it is not possible for every organization to invest such huge sums in R and D which demands technically qualified personnel to carry out the research activities and it is next to impossible that each and every firm in the market can establish the necessary infrastructure for the purpose of research. SWOT Analysis: What might be the solution? Companies generally rely on internal sources, customers, competitors, distributors, suppliers and others for new product ideas. The sales force of a firm can provide excellent inputs as they meet customers on a regular basis. Through SWOT analysis, a company can make a conscious, deliberate and systematic effort to identify opportunities that can be profitably exploited. Top management should encourage the employees to think more imaginatively to create a niche market for its product range. The management has to prioritise its objectives first and channelise the efforts of employees accordingly. Picture Courtesy : The power of Product Thinking Steps to be followed in new product development: Generation of new product ideas Screening of ideas – It serves the purpose of reducing the large number of ideas generated, to spot the good ones and drop the bad ones. Concept development and testing – An inherent idea must be developed into a product concept, should include the customer, the major customer benefits and the features defining it. Development of marketing strategy – This is helpful in launching the product at the right time and right place to the right people. Business analysis – A review of cost versus profit analysis, estimated size and growth rate of the market segment, estimated sales and market share for the new product in the light of financial feasibility. Development of the product – If the business analysis gives a satisfactory report as to the rate of return on investment and pay back period, the R and D department goes ahead with manufacturing the prototype which is the preliminary version of the final product. Test marketing – It provides an opportunity to understand market response to the new product and its proposed marketing programme in a more realistic market environment than in simulated conditions. Commercialization – The product is released into the market, distribution channels are established, thus initiating its life cycle. The success of new products can be attributed to two aspects, one is creativity and the other being...
Posted by Managementguru in Powerpoint Slides
on Mar 2nd, 2014 | 0 comments
Basics of Accounting Purpose of Accounting Break Even Analysis Financial Accounting...
Posted by Managementguru in Economics, Entrepreneurship, Human Resource
on Mar 1st, 2014 | 0 comments
Entrepreneurship in Developing Economies Entrepreneurial development is a complex process of change. It has been recognized as an important ingredient of economic development. The development of entrepreneurial activity depends upon the closely interlinked economic, social, cultural, religious and psychological variables. Developing countries of late have adopted a deliberate policy of promoting and encouraging small enterprises as a strategy, for the overall development of their countries. Practical Problems Faced by Developing Countries The numerous problems confronted by developing countries such as, a high rate of population growth, a relatively low rate of economic growth, a low level of capital income with nearly fifty percent of the population subsisting below the poverty line and mounting increase in the figures of educated unemployed-all these check the growth of entrepreneurial activities. Countries have to plan realistically, mobilize and harness resources, have control over factors of growth and development and give direction to the development process. Naturally then, the national and economic goals will be focused towards: Production and productivity to be increased in the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors Maximum harnessing and utilization of material and human resources Solving problems of unemployment Having a check on population growth Equitable distribution of wealth and income To increase the purchasing power parity To increase the gross national product To increase the real per capita income Improving the quality of life Industrial Development The larger scope and potential to achieve these goals lie in the development of the industrial sector of the national economy, and the only alternative to raise the level of living is development of industries. Here, we are not merely concerned with certain quantum of growth and development in the industrial field. Theoretically, the desired quantum of industrial development could be supported by a few large investments and capital intensive units run by a small number of big entrepreneurs. But what is envisaged is to have the same quantum of industrial development with a wider spread consisting of large number of small entrepreneurs all over the country. This would result in development of small scale and tiny sector industries all over the country and would generate employment opportunities to the educated unemployed, skilled people and other potential entrepreneurs from various segments of the society. Scenario of Asian Countries Most of the Asian countries like India and China are encouraging and promoting entrepreneurial development leading to industrial and economic development. India is now a hot spot for automobiles and its accessories. Being a cost-effective core market for auto components sourcing for global auto makers, the automotive sector is a potential sector for entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs are risk bearers, find resources and fill market gaps that would be missed by larger, more bureaucratic organizations. Entrepreneurs improve the social welfare of a country by harnessing dormant, previously overlooked talent. Surplus manpower which is considered a great liability can be converted into assets once those with potential are selectively groomed for self-employment and enterprise formation, leading to further job...
Posted by Managementguru in Financial Management, Principles of Management
on Feb 28th, 2014 | 0 comments
There is no Business Success Without Risk What is the Risk of Taking a Chance in a Business Activity? Business is often viewed as a game or a gamble in which success is always at risk. Think about it, risk is present in every sphere and aspect of our lives and even when you are not running a business. So why the fuss? A thorough knowledge and research of the business activity you are about to perform will give you the needed confidence to go about it. A true business man is an entrepreneur who treats risk as an opportunity rather than a challenge. Business organizations are started with a single purpose, to make profit and then more profit. Only when the organizations grow, there comes the awareness and necessity to think about stakeholders’ interest and working towards a social cause. Initial stages definitely pose threats for the very survival of the organization. Risk is an inherent part of a business as you are not sure about the outcome of your business activity. What are the Chances or Probability? We talk more about probability and chance outcomes when you deal with a particular product. Retail segment is one area where the risk of duplication is high and people have to be cautious and careful in order to protect their copyrights and symbols from being replicated. Mild inflations can benefit the market but recessions put you in doldrums especially if you are dependent on a wholesaler or a manufacturer. Risk can aspect itself in the following ways: Economically- Attrition and effects of global economy Legally- Labor laws and enactments Socially- Expectations from the public in general Government rules and regulations- Government policies and export duties Stakeholder expectations- Wealth maximization and assured profits Environmental – Need to comply with changing standards like waste affluent treatment plants Political scenario- Effects due to changing governments Risk and Uncertainty Risk and uncertainty go hand in hand and you need a risk management template or a model for your reference to solve or manage risks. The first and foremost step would be to identify the risks in your sphere of business activity. Risk documentation or creating a risk profile is an inevitable move for a new organization. This prepares the organization mentally to face challenges in a structured manner and reduces disorientation. It is very important to keep in mind the organisation’s objectives while documenting the risk profile to keep your focus unaltered. Risks evolve continuously and it is the responsibility of the top management to be in line with the market economy to manage the adverse conditions that come in the way. How to Manage Risks? Risk management is an ongoing and continuous process and it cannot be looked upon as a distinct area to be managed by a set of individuals. In a small and upcoming organization the responsibility lies on the shoulders of each and every individual to self assess, evaluate and manage risks and find the right kind of solution that will not be detrimental to the core objectives of the organization. Bigger organizations can afford to have expert opinion by commissioning PROFESSIONALS to identify, assess and manage risks. An overall and broad perspective of risk is what has been analysed here. There are numerous possibilities of risks, whether big or small in magnitude, affecting an organization. A thorough study of the field you are about to venture into, the pros and cons of the business activity, time of launch are few things that will help you to analyse what the market niche warrants for and act accordingly. In further segments, let us look into the factors of risk, identifying and...