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Pro Blogging Tips for Beginners

Pro Blogging Tips for Beginners
Pro Blogging Tips for Beginners This post brings you very useful information from pro-bloggers in the likes of Jeff Bullas. For some blogging may be a passion… For some blogging is a pastime… But lately… Blogging has become business… Blogging is the source of income for many… Follow these excellent tips from blogging and digital marketing experts that will guide you through all the hassles. I have tried to summarize the key points that will give you a fair idea about the blogging bascis. Here they come… A. Top 5 Tips That Can Make You a Successful Blogger 1. Get started with the right platform The very first challenge will be  choosing the right blogging platform. There are a lot of free blogging platforms  like Tumblr, WordPress, Blogger and Type Pad. All these offer free design themes that can be customized to suit your purpose. But it is always better to go for a self-hosted blog if you plan to convert your blog as a business in the long run. 2. Consider integration Getting your blog integrated with an existing website in order to build the content is good for SEO and also make the search engines fond of your content. SEO is all about keywords in your content  and concentrating on this aspect becomes inevitable. Long tail keywords attract lot of traffic since the competition will be less. 3. Finding a niche Your blog must talk about something spectacularly specific or offer solutions to specific problems to please both the readers as well as the search engines. 4. Write about something that you love When you write about something that you are passionate about, you will enjoy doing it and you will also be good at it. 5. Offer something of value The blogs you write must be of something that the readers will value. This means you must offer them something in return for spending time reading your blog. Your blog will never be a success if you aren’t providing something of value. Such is the power of information and when you do it right, you win. This excellent Infographic compiled by Twelveskip.com lists down 26 AWESOME BLOGGING TOOLS LOVED BY THE PROS Following is a detailed post about “It’s All About Data! Measuring the Effectiveness of Content Marketing” from Onlyonemike.com. A very resourceful post that gives info on how to monitor content performance metrics and determine how to boost and improve content marketing in the future. https://onlyonemike.com/its-all-about-data-measuring-the-effectiveness-of-content-marketing/   B. Are You Making These Twenty Mistakes on Your Blog? Writing a blog is both a joy and frustration as you try and work out the ways to let readers on the world wide web discover you and let them know you exist. You have only a few seconds to help the reader decide whether they want to read your post or not so a headline that compels and teases the visitor to your blog or who sees your headline on a Tweet is a must in driving readership. Try COSCHEDULE HEADLINE ANALYSER that gives you a clear insight whether your post title rocks or sucks.. List posts such as “10 Ways To..” or The 5 Top …” are always effective. These might seem redundant and overused but the fact remains they work. Some bloggers wonder why they have no one reading their articles. I sometimes wonder how some blogs are ever found in an ocean of over 200 million blogs. So the challenge is that the writing is just the beginning and promoting your posts is the next step in driving readership and building a loyal following in your industry or niche. This excellent Infographic compiled by Classycareergirl.com lists down 15 Major...
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Management Skills for New Managers

Management Skills for New Managers

Managing people require a completely different skill set than managing tasks. The transition from being an individual contributor to someone responsible for the work of others and team performance results in a steep learning curve. Learn how to motivate, delegate, communicate and lead. Play to your strengths and improve on key weakness areas. With an emphasis on building high achieving teams, dealing with an increased workload and developing the influence, assertiveness and confidence necessary to be an effective manager or supervisor – this course will ensure you hit the ground running.

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Why You Should Share Your Blog Post More Than Once

Why You Should Share Your Blog Post More Than Once
Do you want to know what “Guy Kawasaki” technique for using social media is? It is nothing but repurposing old content and Re-sharing the same content multiple times. Here, let us look into the benefits of re-sharing your blog post multiple times on your social media channels. The first, and perhaps most obvious, reason to share your content more than once is to drive more traffic to your blog which again facilitate the following: Your message will cut across and reach the right target audience You can build your brand image easily Improved Sales If you are pretty serious about your content, then you also need to be serious about driving as much traffic to it as possible. “You need to share content repeatedly because people live in different time zones and have different social media habits.” Think about this: You publish a post on day 1 You share it on all your social media channels and garner likes and shares depending on how viral the content is. If your follower count is going to increase in the coming weeks, don’t you deprive them of all the valuable information you have already posted! Remember you should always re-share relevant content at the right time. So, Is It OK to Share Content More than Once? The reality is that nobody cares. Do you even remember what you had for breakfast yesterday morning? The point is good content needs to be shared multiple times for the benefit of your audience. My site Managementguru is all about business management. And topics related to Human Resource, Stress Management, Social Media Marketing get more likes and shares when reposted on my social media channels. When it comes to content marketing it is nothing but trial and error. Content sharing tips Design a unique content sharing strategy for each social media network separately, like different titles and hashtags. Please don’t spam your social media channels. Ask a question or pull quotes from the post itself Quote a tweet from an influencer along with your link in X– This always works Write an irresistible teaser – which will atleast make the reader come, visit your post! Repeated Sharing Analysis Social Sharing Theory 1 Like anything on social, it boils down to measurement. You have to understand if what you’re doing works. Is repeated sharing helping or hurting your traffic to a specific blog post? Which content should you share more of? Which should you share less of?  –  Jade Furubayashi Social Sharing Theory 2 What happens when we share a link to that post a second time the next day? Does the traffic double? Based on the law of diminishing returns, no. That’s not quite what happens during the second round. But, if we share the content again a third time, the traffic (for the second and third sets of shares combined) more than doubles. How can you argue with results like that?  –  Garrett Moon Social Sharing Theory 3 Obviously, pieces that get massive engagement or traffic deserve to be seen more than once, and we double down on those. But the same is true for the opposite; slouches in stats or negative feedback are great indicators that those pieces of content have run their course and should be removed from my content calendar.  –  Jade Furubayashi How to Optimize Your Content for the Top 5 Social Networks Optimizing your content for the top social networks involves tailoring your approach to fit the unique characteristics and audience preferences of each platform. Here are some tips for each:  1. Facebook  Be Conversational: Use a friendly, conversational tone to engage your audience.  Visual Content: Incorporate high-quality images and videos to capture attention.  Engagement: Encourage...
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Integrating Social Media in Your Organization’s Communications

Integrating Social Media in Your Organization’s Communications
Integrating Social Media in Your Organization’s Communications This post is contributed by LtCaezar one of Kenya’s top Online Presence and Social Media Strategy Consultancies. The benefits of integrating social media in our organization’s communication as a strategy for better lead generation and conversion has been precisely dealt with. You can reach LtCeazar through Twitter @LtCaezar or Facebook @ LtCaezar Intro Social media in your organization’s communications is a tricky affair sometimes. Integration presents a difficult hurdle that must be dealt with tactfully. This is because communication in an organizational setup is usually regulated by policies and defined structures to follow. Social media on the other hand is a little spontaneous and may not allow time for deliberations before replies can be issued. This post explores various ways that an organization can go about integrating social media in their communications.   Integration Organizations have come to love social media. A good social media team is able to easily handle customer queries and run publicity campaigns. Advanced uses for social media in an organization may include lead generation. At other times, social media may be called upon to do brand image repair. When an organization is seeking to integrate social media in its broad communications plan, there are several methods they can use. In most organizations, social media will already be under the oversight of the marketing department or the PR department. In such a scenario, the easiest way is to develop a social media protocol that will be followed by all those who manage the social media accounts of the organization. Such protocols will provide guidance on handling of queries and how much information can be passed to the public via social media. An escalation process should also be defined. It should tell the social media account managers how, and where to refer issues that they cannot handle. PR reinforcement and early warning Reinforcement and an early warning system can be added by granting an experienced and trusted PR manager access to the social media accounts. The PR manager will immediately be notified as the first step of escalation. He or she will look at the issue and determine if it was handled professionally. The manager can also make decisions on whether to raise the matter with higher-up decision makers. In some cases, the PR manager can easily resolve the matter. Sometimes, an occasional peek by the PR manager into the goings on of the social media department can avert a disaster in its early stages. Some organizations find it better to work with social media agencies for their PR. The in-house social media team only handles matters relating to marketing and customer service. That is a tricky path that must be treaded carefully. Agencies may not have a single person dedicated to your social media account. If they have one, you do not know how many other accounts they are handling and splitting attention with. There is also the risk of replication of strategies and tactics. The Need for Constant Updates One last thing you should know about social media integration in an organization’s communications is the need for adequate information. The problem with social media which makes organizations afraid of venturing that way is that; a question can come in through social media and be directed at any level of management. For this reason, the social media team needs to be constantly updated of the developments and operations of the organization. This is information ranging from the latest campaign, to the reason why the organization scrapped an old product. When social media integration in your organization’s communication department is handled in such a systematic and professional manner, you can be sure to become...
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123 Content Marketing Tools from 40 Industry Professionals

123 Content Marketing Tools from 40 Industry Professionals
Why is Content Marketing Important for Your Business? Content marketing helps to improve conversions because it allows you to connect with and educate your leads and customers. That is why we thought of intoducing you to 123 Content Marketing Tools from 40 Industry Professionals that will guide you through restrategizing your content creation and promotional activities. Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action. This discussion has 4 units  A Slideshare presentation from razorsocial.com giving you an unending  list of content marketing tools used by top industry experts.Why Content Marketing is essential?A great infographic on “Must-Have Content Marketing Tools” designed by Page Traffic.A quiz on content marketing. 1. Slideshare Presentation Intrigued to know what content marketing tools are being used by successful social media strategists and industry professionals? Here is a great presentation from RazorSocial.com that cuts right through all kinds of tools ever present online and the ones that are most desired and result-driven. 2. Why Content Marketing is essential? Content driven marketing has been proven to be the most successful type of taking your product or service to your target customer. “With the right words you can build your business empire.“ This is how I view content marketing and these days, people want to learn before they buy, be educated instead of pitched. Content marketing has to done in a very natural way, it should put your brand in customer’s trust list. “Content builds relationships. Relationships are built on trust. Trust drives revenue.“ If you were to buy a product what are the criteria you will judge the product against? Put yourself in customers’ shoe and build your product. “The paradox is the more info you give away, the more people will buy what you have to give.” 3. Must-Have Content Marketing Tools 123 Content Marketing Tools from 40 Industry Professionals 4. Content Marketing Quiz A. Why do you create content for your company? To attract as much attention to our company as possibleI honestly don’t knowTo drive traffic to landing pages where we can capture prospects and start to build a relationship with potential customersWe’re just doing it because everyone else is B. Who is responsible for content creation in your company? The marketing department squeezes it in among other projectsThe whole team works on content and it’s supported by the MDNo one really has responsibility but sometimes the intern posts stuff on Twitter and FacebookWe don’t have time for content C. How would you describe your approach to content? We don’t have a strategyWe do content on a project basis but not to a specific scheduleWe do what we can but it’s a bit ad hocWe have a detailed content strategy and plan aligned to company goals D. Which statement best reflects how you feel about your website? What? I haven’t got a websiteOur website is the hub of our business, regularly updated to a schedule and monitoredOur website is a ‘work in progress’, there’s things we’d like to changeWebsite? Haven’t looked at that in months E. Who is your website and content created for? We wrote it to make sure we’d get sign-off from the MD/CEO/BoardOur customers are at the heart of all our content creationWe try our best to make it user friendly and relevant for our customers but sometimes we struggle with thatWe just want to let the customer know how great we are Courtesy: Socialmedia.ie Answers for the Quiz: A. To drive traffic to landing pages where we can capture prospects and start to build a relationship with potential customers. B. The whole team works...
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