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Why Managers Must Take Steps to Improve Workplace Wellbeing

Workplace wellbeing is vital for any organisation that wants to thrive. When employees feel positively about their work environment and are supported in their physical and mental health, they are more engaged, productive and loyal. As a manager, you play a key role in cultivating workplace wellbeing and it should be a top priority.

Here are some of the main reasons why taking action to improve wellbeing will benefit your team and organisation.

Unhealthy, high-stress work environments can negatively impact employees’ physical and mental health over time. This can lead to increased absenteeism as well as presenteeism, where employees come to work but are not fully productive due to health issues. By making wellbeing a priority and implementing initiatives to promote healthy lifestyles, nutrition, exercise and work-life balance, you can dramatically improve your team’s health. Employees who feel cared for in this way will be more motivated and energised at work.

When employees are mentally and physically well, they will be more engaged with their work. Wellbeing initiatives show workers that they are valued, which increases loyalty and motivation. Things like wellness challenges, mental health support and stress management assistance also provide workers with tools to cope better at work, making them more productive. A Gallup study found that teams with high wellbeing are 21% more productive than those with poor wellbeing. Investing in wellbeing boosts your bottom line.

 5 Elements of Workplace Wellbeing.

Unwell or unhappy employees are more likely to take time off work or leave their jobs altogether. Absenteeism and turnover cost UK companies billions each year in lost productivity and recruitment/training expenses. By making workplace wellbeing central to your management strategy, you can substantially reduce absenteeism caused by preventable health conditions. You’ll also boost retention rates by showing employees you care about their welfare. This saves you substantial amounts of time, money and disruption.

Focusing on wellbeing helps create an engaged, collaborative and supportive company culture. Things like wellness activities, mental health days and health insurance build camaraderie between employees and make them feel cared for. Word spreads, making your company more attractive to top talent. Prioritising wellbeing can also boost your external reputation with customers and stakeholders who want to associate with socially responsible businesses. This gives you a competitive edge.

Improving workplace wellbeing requires an active, ongoing commitment from managers. Here are some steps you can take:

  • Survey employees regularly on wellbeing needs
  • Provide education/training on health, stress management and work-life balance
  • Offer counselling, EAPs and mental health support
  • Encourage physical activity through discounts and workplace facilities
  • Monitor workloads and adjust to prevent burnout
  • Support healthy nutrition and sleep habits
  • Foster social connections between employees
  • Lead by example when it comes to wellbeing practices

Work with a workplace happiness expert like The Happy Business School for more advice.

Making employee health and wellbeing a true priority takes effort but pays off enormously. A thriving, supportive and positive work environment is critical for attracting talent, driving productivity and living up to your duty of care as an employer. By taking purposeful action as a manager, you can make a real difference.