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Business Acronyms Quiz

Acronyms are inevitable components of business life and if you are not familiar with some of the important terms, life can become difficult.

Try to unveil these 30 Business Acronyms Related to HR, Finance and Accounting:

  1. BKPR
  2. CAO
  3. SHRM
  4. CIPD
  5. CTO
  6. HCM
  7. HPWS
  8. CIO
  9. CPA
  10. BGT
  11. COGS
  12. EPS
  13. LC
  14. P&L
  15. ROA
  16. ROE
  17. ROI
  18. CIMS
  19. DRIFT
  20. B2B
  21. B2C
  22. CTC
  23. USP
  24. PR
  25. INC.
  26. IPO
  27. GDP
  28. EBITD
  29. ESO
  30. GASS

Find the answers below the pic:

business acronyms

1. Book-Keeper 2. Chief Accounting Officer 3. Strategic Human Resource Management 4. Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development 5. Chief Technology Officer 6. High Commitment Management 7. High Performance Work System 8. Chief Information Officer 9. Certified Public Accountant 10. Budget 11. Cost of Goods Sold 12. Earnings Per Share 13. Letter of Credit 14. Profit and Loss 15. Return on Assets 16. Return on Equity 17. Return on Investment 18. Certified Investment Management Specialist 19. Do it Right the First Time 20. Business to Business 21. Business to Consumer 22. Cost to Company 23. Unique Selling Point 24. Public Relations 25. Incorporated 26. Initial Public Offering 27. Gross Domestic Product 28. Earnings Before Interest, Tax and Depreciation 29. Employee Stock Option 30. Generally Accepted Accounting Standards