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Critical Factors of Corporate Management

Critical Factors of Corporate Management
Critical Factors Influencing Corporate Management A corporate management is said to be capable only if it is able to integrate, coordinate and direct the functional capabilities towards overall objectives and common goals of a firm, that have a bearing on an organization’s capacity and ability to implement its strategies. Multitudinous factors affect the functioning of corporate general management system. It differs with each organization with differing objectives and mode of operations. Key Factors or Contributors: The firms must evolve an effective system for corporate planning. The objectives must be realistic and achievable and clear and complete communication of plans to various levels of organization helps in execution of action plans by the respective departments.   A pucca management information system is necessary that integrates all the levels through a network of computers, facilitating information processing and task implementation.   If the firm is oriented towards a god deal of risk-propensity, chances of rewards are also quite high. You cannot beat your competitors unless you possess a better shade of entrepreneurship in you than others.   Competency development backed up by strategy formulations, in the wake of challenges and opportunities in the external environment is well appreciated. Why everybody always talk about strategy? It is one thing that warrants for a sure success, it implies that you are smart enough to think ahead of time, what others have failed to. Don’t you want to set a path forward for the future generations to come?   Values that are unique to your organization add to the image of your company. Say, if you project “quality”, as your prime value system, definitely it is going to attract consumers who are very particular about quality unmindful of the price. Slowly the idea gathers momentum and your company’s image gets a boost. But don’t forget that you have to fulfill your commitments in terms of quality without any compromise.   Reward systems must be worked out to gear up the morale of top managers who are the achievers of your management objectives. Their track records and degree of commitment should be analyzed to decide on pay and promotions.   A favorable organizational climate is inevitable for the organization to progress in the desired direction without any internal politics and power struggles. The role of top management is very crucial in that, it has to identify people with vested interests and bring them back into the groove by making necessary changes in the organization structure or go for weeding out actions if things go out of control. Ultimately, the overall objectives of the organization is what that matters, and people must be trained to accept the organizational changes which form a part of the developmental procedures of management.   Social responsibility is much talked about these days, and the corporate firms are in a position to discharge their duties pertaining to social welfare, as part of their corporate management programme.It has become a regular feature of the management process to part with a share of their profit towards a social cause. Corporate management is a comprehensive process that covers all aspects of the management with growth as its motto and social conscience as its...
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Factors That Influence Product Pricing

Factors That Influence Product Pricing
Factors to be Considered for Product Pricing: Price is one of the crucial components of the marketing-mix and plays an important role to bring about product market integration. It is the only factor that generates revenue, the reason why much research is done before fixing the basic price of a product. In a narrow sense, price is the amount of money charged for a product or a service. But in a broader perspective, it is the sum of all values that a customer gain by exchanging money for using a product or enjoying a service; now, what do you mean by values? It may denote customer satisfaction, endurance, efficiency, effectiveness of the purchase etc. Establish the Pricing Objectives: How does a business firm go about fixing the price? The first step would be establishing the pricing objectives based on the factors that govern the price and ascertaining their relevance and importance in the light of prevailing economic conditions. The firm must provide the customers with the value worth the money paid for. Thus determining the product value in monetary terms and formulating pricing policies and strategies accordingly is very important. Price is influenced by both external and internal factors. The internal factors that influence pricing may be, Corporate objectives and marketing objectives of the firm-Obviously a firm would like to survive in the market by maximizing its profit followed by retention of market share. To retain the existing customers and to attract new customers, a firm has to focus on “quality” and “customer service”. If you lose an existing customer, it is equivalent to losing ten new customers, as loyal customers increase your customer listing. Where do you want to stand in the market is another question you have to ask yourself! The desirable market positioning of a firm is also dependent on price fixation mechanisms. The characteristics of a product also influence the pricing, as the nature decides the mode and cost of production. Price elasticity or demand of the product-A hardcore business person will never try to penetrate a new market with his existing product or introduce a new product in existing markets without substantial marketing research, since the demand for the product may very form market to market and only by “test marketing” does a firm can acquire some insight about the nature of demand. Cost of marketing-Without proper canvassing you cannot expect your product to hit the right note. There should be sufficient financial planning that well falls in line with your marketing plan. The external factors that influence pricing may be, Market characteristics-Here, industry analysis is needed, to gauge the trend of the products of similar nature and the stage of the industry in its life cycle-whether it has reached the saturation point. If so, how can you expect to make a mark in an industry that is already falling back? Sometimes, the industry might be thriving, leaving behind certain firms that cannot meet the expectations of the industry. In such cases too, caution is to be exercised to predict your chances of success based on your merits and shortcomings. Bargaining power of the customers-you cannot expect to sell premium products in a market where the potential buyers belong to the middle class category. Even such markets are captured by intelligent marketers who follow the strategy of price skimming. Competitor’s pricing policy-Constant updates about your competitor’s pricing strategy keeps you at bay and also helps you in deciding your game plan. Big corporate firms very rarely come for a compromise in pricing terms, brushing aside their prejudices, if it proves to be win-win situation for both. Government’s regulations on pricing-When you plan to expand...
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Branding Strategies

Branding Strategies
Branding strategies What is Branding? What is a branding strategy? The process involved in creating a unique name and image for a product in the consumers’ mind, mainly through advertising campaigns. Brand = Trust What is the meaning of Brand Identity? A brand name adds a unique value proposition to a company offering differentiated products across a wide spectrum. It is an important component of a firm’s corporate identity. The logo that represents a brand is just not a symbol but is a source of commitment to the customers. It implies the benefits or added values that the company offers to satisfy its customers. Logos are a way to reach your customers in the initial stages when your company is in the offing. After a certain period of time, it becomes an icon that represents your company’s efficacy and achievement in terms of quality, price, customer service etc. Nowadays there is a pressing need for corporate firms to target both domestic and international markets. They have to create and establish local as well as global brand identity. A brand name tells the customer what to expect and it personifies your organization. Why in the first place a company needs a brand identity? See, it proves to be the most vital part of your marketing plan. How do you expect to reach your customers and convince them that you are there in the market to offer a superior product range than that of your rivals? You have to keep in constant touch with your customers and this is where a brand name comes in as a source of strength, as a promotional tool to speak for your product’s credibility and quality. You have to ask yourself the following questions while planning to develop a branding strategy: Does your brand create a feeling of trust in the minds of the customers? Does your brand deliver the benefits that it has promised to? Does your brand connect with the customers well at an emotional level? Is everybody including your competitors are aware of your brand? http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/272386 Strategic equations for Success You need to revitalize your think tank by including strategies that will hit the target on the right note. One way is to re-launch your existing products under new brand name to give a fresh lease of life to the products as well as attract new customers Another way is to introduce new product range, where the existing brand may not be suitable for the new product line Making the products more attractive and appealing by making small modifications in packing Also your brand can include a new range of similar products to be offered from your end. The brand strategy gives momentum to your business and aligns the activities of your organization towards successfully accomplishing the corporate objectives. It should be always remembered that branding is the only way to develop loyal...
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