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Values and Beliefs

Values and Beliefs
Values and Beliefs in Organizations What are Values and Beliefs in an Organization: An organisational value is “a belief that a specific mode of conduct is preferable to an opposite or contrary mode of conduct.”  Infosys Narayanamoorthy on Value System : Our team was unique in our commitment to a strong value system. We believed in putting the interest of the company ahead of our own interest. We believed in legal and ethical business. A sound value system is what differentiates long-term players from others.   Core Values of an Organization: Increasingly, organizations are setting out the core values that they think should govern the behavior of all their employees. Value statements may be produced which define core values in areas such as: Care for customers Concern for people Competitiveness Enterprising Excellence Flexibility Growth as a major objective Innovation Market/customer orientation Productivity Quality Teamwork But, is that all? By just defining what you think is important to guide the action of your employees may not suffice the cause. How do you put them into action! That’s where the secret lies.     Imitating the Boss: How do you make people do what you want them to do! Just by being a precedence or role model for your followers, is that not true? The best example that can be cited is the school atmosphere, where the kids take to their teachers. They simply, blindly follow or imitate whatever their masters do. I think IMITATION is the right word, because it makes people easily inclined to the behavior that is appreciated by the organisation’s atmosphere. When you imitate your boss you get a surreal feeling of being a boss at least for that time being.     Coercion is not the Right Approach: It is a general fact that it is very difficult to train or mould people the way we want to. And again it can be argued that people can be trained or molded very easily when you have the right kind of motivation and guidance. The core values should be INBUILT; it should be there RIGHT FROM THE START. If you have able managers to run your teams it becomes a cake walk for you to train the individuals without much COERCION. The authority and influence which the team leader has over the team says it all. Influencing the Employees the Right Way: Everybody in an organization plays their own role in cherishing the values imbibed and focus on achieving results, and keenness to “GET GOING AND KEEP GOING”. High work output is expected from a clerical staff, the Supervisor can be depended on for effective organization and control of teams and their work. THE MANAGER is clear about what “success “means for the business and is resourceful in overcoming obstacles. THE SENIOR MANAGER maintains focus on the “BOTTOM LINE” despite continuous changes to procedures and systems, and the EXECUTIVE is focused on results even when dealing with very diverse complex tasks and proactive in tackling mistakes.     Performance of Value Oriented Organizations: Value Oriented Organisations perform definitely better than others and achieve their targets in a quick manner. Values give direction to the firm backed up by solid principles to guide the action of the employees and also the commitment and determination to achieve whatever is due. Reliance Industries Limited stands as a testimony for a single man’s dream and vision and his core value was CUSTOMER SATISFACTION. To scale to greater heights, you also need STRONG WILLED PEOPLE RIGHT ATTITUDE ACTION PLANS STRATEGIES PERSISTENCE DETERMINATION and PASSION Values add integrity and honor to your organization and you should always remember that to hold your values you...
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Who is an Entrepreneur

Who is an Entrepreneur
Who is an entrepreneur? An entrepreneur is one with long term vision, creativity, uniqueness and the most conspicuous feature is undoubtedly his risk taking ability. He embarks on uncertain investments and also possesses an unusually minimal level of uncertainty aversion. He always comes out with brilliant business ideas since he is open to new information available in the rapidly changing business environment; this also facilitates self-directed and independent decisions aiding in quick growth maximization of the business enterprise. Attention Bloggers! Sponsor a post on Managementguru to boost your visibility, drive traffic, and build authority with our engaged business community! #SponsoredPosts #BloggingCommunity Contact Us Concept of Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship is all about action that involves opportunity exploitation and venture creation. The concept of entrepreneurship is becoming increasingly popular in developing countries as it tends to promote economic growth of a nation. “No entrepreneur, no development,” is the kind of significance attached with entrepreneurialism. Who is an Entrepreneur Though entrepreneurship is an individual’s free choice activity, it emerges and functions in a social and cultural setting. An entrepreneur must be prudent in choosing a business activity that will be supported and valued by the society and that which improves his economic standards. Consumers are always on the look-out for a product or a service that is different but unique. This proves to be an advantage for an entrepreneur to exploit the unexplored niches of the market segment. An entrepreneur has to observe and act upon opportunities that are unusual but promising. He has to study the pros and cons of a project in terms of capital investment, plant layout, production facility, labor availability, market proximity, demography, people’s preference and economic viability. The distinct features of an entrepreneur for a better understanding: Persistence and perseverance Resourcefulness to take the business activity to the next level Eternal quest for knowledge Quality conscious Systematic planning Self-confidence Daring Crisis management with ease Persuasion –capability to convince the customers and others Strategy king Excellent communication skills Proficiency in a variety of subjects and disciplines To them , work is passion Nonchalance and the like. It is the combination of body of knowledge, set of skills and cluster of appropriate motives that makes an entrepreneur a star performer. He is the pivot about which all other factors of production, productive resources and techniques revolve. Innovativeness, risk taking ability and proactiveness are the three dimensions fundamental to the concept of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is a way of thinking, reasoning and acting that is opportunity obsessed (Timmons). Lakshmi Mittals and Warren Buffets belong to this category where in they have created value through recognition of business...
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