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10 Ways You Can Make Money From Your Blog

10 Ways You Can Make Money From Your Blog
There are many tools you can use to create information products and sell your products. Let us have a look at 10 Ways You Can Make Money From Your Blog! 1. Ebooks Creating ebooks is one of the easiest ways to create information products. Ebooks can be simply written in a word doc, exported to a PDF and then you are done. You can collate your top posts and compile them in an ebook and sell them on your blog. You can sell the ebook anywhere from $7 to $25. Courtesy: Become A Blogger Download Daily and Weekly Planner Printables 2. Membership sites Membership sites is another way to build information products and create recurring revenue every month. It can be difficult to create membership site but when you create a tribe and establish your brand, then you can create membership sites and create features useful for your readers. Until you have created your own following and established your brand, you can hold off creating a membership site and build your brand. 3. Video courses Video courses are something which everyone can make. You can either create video-based courses or slideshows to create content for students. There are different platforms to create your courses like Thinkific or teachable which allows you to create courses. It is easy to set up courses and create different pricing plans for your courses. Courtesy: Powerful Tips for Producing Effective e-Learning Videos 4. Email coaching Email coaching is another way where you can make money by offering your services by guiding the reader in solving their pain point by coaching them over the series of emails. You can easily coach anyone over email and keep a track of communication over the email. 5. Email courses  Another way to create an info product is to create email courses where you send a series of emails as a paid info product. The biggest downside of an email course can be the student treats an email course as any other email and this can drive down engagements of your course. 6. Blog audits You can do audits or reports and analyse the results of other people’s blogs or content. When you provide such a service, you should detail everything that you will provide to the client. Be specific with what you would provide in return and provide a guarantee on what you provide in doing a blog audit for a blogger. 7. Apps or software Creating apps is another way you can create income from your blog. Suppose, you have a food blog or a fitness blog, you can have an app which showcases food recipes or exercises. You can also create a software which can solve a pain point for the custoemr and solve a problem. Another way to make money is by creating a website theme which can sell on your platform and can also be used to build an email list. 8. 1-on-1 coaching Your audience may want to get on a 1-on-1 coaching with you to get more information from you to help them to get better at their business or blog. When you do a one on one coaching, be very specific on what you can offer to your client. If you are doing a session of one-hour coaching where you charge $50 per hour worth of coaching, then make sure you are not providing 3 hours of free content to the reader. You should use a scheduling software setup to keep a track of the time offered by you to your clients. Be specific with what you will offer in your coaching. 9. Ads Ads is a monetization option which is...
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