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How To Write a Creative Resume & Get a Job

How To Write a Creative Resume & Get a Job
Creative Resume Writing A creative resume is a powerful tool that allows you to showcase your unique skills, experiences, and personality in a visually appealing and memorable way. By breaking away from the traditional format, you can captivate potential employers and stand out from the competition. To create a creative resume, begin by identifying your key strengths and achievements, then brainstorm creative ways to present them visually. Consider incorporating elements like color, graphics, and typography that align with your personal brand. Additionally, focus on crafting a compelling narrative that highlights your passion and demonstrates your suitability for the desired role. Have a look at the following resume. It sounds very professional and has all the necessary skills outlined and highlighted in a crisp manner. This is how your resume should be. Tips to Write a Creative Resume Think like the employer Understand what the employer wants and customize your information to address those requirements specifically. Choose a basic font Go for a 11 or 12 font size and use Arial or Times New Roman, that will give a professional look and also legible. Write a custom resume for every job When applying for jobs that are a perfect match for your qualifications and experience. No picture please If the company wants to see your face they shall very well visit your LinkedIn Profile. Review resume examples before you start Before you start work on writing or updating your resume, review resume examples that fit a variety of employment situations. Alternatively take a look at this creative resume. The candidate is a model, so featuring her profile with a photo becomes inevitable. Tricks to Impress Your Employer Keep it clean A recruiter or hiring manager may only see your resume for 15 to 30 seconds, so don’t give them a second thought. Create Social Proof When a potential employer googles your name, they must understand what other think of you. Get feedback from employers If the employer agrees to give you feedback, he most probably will accept your request for a  visit to the office. Associate with big brands By associating yourself with the right kind of people and brands, you will develop the kind of authority that will stand out to employers. Show off why you are a perfect fit for the role Organize and customize your resume to highlight your transferable skills and experience, so they can tell in 10 seconds that you are qualified. Resume writing need not be a scary thing, because who will better understand yourself other than you? Note: All the names and positions, company names given in the resume are...
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Contributions of Entrepreneurs to the Society

Contributions of Entrepreneurs to the Society
Entrepreneurs are the mechanism by which our economy turns demand into supply. They create new ventures that provide new, improved products and services. Here we list some of the principal qualities of entrepreneurs and how those qualities help in shaping up our economy. Productivity Accelerators: Entrepreneurship raises productivity through technical and other forms of innovation. Entrepreneurs as risk bearers find resources and fill market gaps that would be missed by larger, more bureaucratic organizations. They allow a country to extract every last bit of marginal capacity out of whatever resources exist within the society. Brilliant Tips on Productivity by some Popular Entrepreneurs: Focus on one thing at a time: It may seem like a no-brainer, but multitasking can actually cut back on your productivity. Instead of juggling multiple projects at once, schedule out blocks of time — or even entire days — during which you only focus on one task or one project. Steph Auteri, @stephauteri, Word Nerd Pro Outsource, outsource, outsource: Everything may be a priority, but you are not equally brilliant at everything. Eliminate the unnecessary tasks and outsource your weaknesses so your time and focus is directed to where you’ll make the biggest impact for the business. Kelly Azevedo, @krazevedo, She’s Got Systems Define roles and divide work: Make sure everyone on the team has distinct roles defined, and divide work accordingly. Everyone on a proactive team will want to do everything, and clearly defined roles make it clear who should do what. David Gardner, @david_gardner, ColorJar Job Creators: It is a powerful tool of job creation –Entrepreneurship as a whole contributes to social wealth by creating new markets, new industries, new technology, new institutional forms, new jobs and net increases in real productivity. The jobs constructed through their activities in turn lead to equitable distribution of income which leads to higher standards of living for the population. Entrepreneurship facilitates the transfer of technology. Entrepreneurs play a strategic role in commercializing new inventions and products. They play a critical role in the restructuring and transformation of economy. Their behavior breathes vitality into the life of large corporations and governmental enterprises. Market Competitiveness: They make the markets more competitive and thereby reduce both static and dynamic market inefficiencies. Micro-preneurs working in the informal sector circumvent established government authority when governments and their programmes inhibit economic development. They stimulate redistribution of wealth, income and political power within societies in ways that are economically positive and without being politically disruptive. Social Welfare: They improve social welfare of a country harnessing dormant, previously overlooked talent. They create new markets and help in expansion into international markets. The unique feature of entrepreneurship – that it is a low cost strategy of economic development, job creation and technical innovations. Technology Innovation: Technology entrepreneurship is also important for sustainable development as Nobel Prize Laureate prof. Dan Schechtman puts it: “Technological entrepreneurship is a key to the well-being of the world”. India has been the first among the few developing countries to have assigned a significant and categorical state role to small scale industries from the first Five Year Plan itself, and the small scale sector has emerged as a dynamic and vibrant sector of the economy during the eighties. If the country develops pucca infrastructure and removes the hurdles in the operative environment politically and legally, no doubt the Indian economy will be scaling to greater heights. Surplus manpower (educated and un-educated), which has been a great liability can become an asset once those with potential are selectively groomed for self-employment and enterprise formation, leading to further job...
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