Posted by Managementguru in Business Management, Decision Making, Human Resource, Organisational behaviour, Principles of Management
on Apr 19th, 2014 | 0 comments
Business Policies – Framing and Execution Business policies are the keystone in the arch of management and the life-blood for the successful functioning of business, because without well-laid down policies, there cannot be lasting improvements in the economic condition of the firm and labor-management relations. A policy is a positive declaration and a command to its followers. It translates the goals of an organization into selected routes and provides the general guidelines that prescribe and proscribe programmes, which in turn, dictate practices and procedure. Attainment of Objectives: Buisness policies are general statement of principles for the attainment of objectives which serve as a guide to action for the executives at different levels of management. They pave a broad way in which the sub-ordinates tread along towards accomplishing their objectives. Hierarchy: For each set of objectives at each level, there is a corresponding set of policies. The Board of Directors determine the basic overall corporate policiesThe top management decides on the executive corporate policiesManagers decide on the departments / divisional policiesMiddle managers handle the sectional policies Consistent Decisions contributing to the Objectives: The policies delimit the area within which a decision has to be made; however, they do allow some discretion on the part of the man on the firing line, otherwise, they would be mere rules. At the same time too much of discretion in policy matters may prove harmful to the accomplishment of organizational objectives and hence it is generally within limits. Mutual Application: Policies in general are meant for mutual application by sub ordinates. They are fabricated to suit a specific situation in which they are applied, for they cannot apply themselves. Unified Structure: Policies tend to predefine issues, avoid repeated analysis and give a unified structure to other types of plans, thus permitting managers to delegate authority while maintaining control. Policies for all Functional Areas: In a well-structured and managed organization, policies are framed for all functional levels of management. Corporate planningMarketingResearch and DevelopmentEngineeringManufacturingInventoryPurchasePhysical DistributionAccountingFinanceCostingAdvertisingPersonal SellingSpecial Promotion, are some areas that require clear-cut policies. Clear-Cut Guidelines: Policies serve an extremely useful purpose in that they avoid confusion and provide clear-cut guidelines. This enables the business to be carried on smoothly and often without break. They lead to better and maximum utilization of resources, human, financial and physical, by adhering to actions for...
Posted by Managementguru in Business Management, Principles of Management
on Feb 15th, 2014 | 0 comments
Scope of Management Management determines the very survival of the organization Management concepts are applied in both business and non-business organizations In countries like USA the demand for management consultants is widespread and they have more clients from 1) Government 2) Hospitals 3) Universities 4) Schools 5) Professional associations 6) Community agencies etc. In India it is sad to see that only graduates coming out of reputed business schools being placed in the cream of positions by the corporates and others who pass out from the so called second grade institutes struggling to ground themselves. Many institutes offer management courses in the undergraduate and graduate levels for name sake, fail to implant the core purpose and perspective of the concepts of management in the minds of individuals. Also lack of expert faculty who have wide exposure and industry experience make the course dull and lifeless. Coming back, Management is said to be “Universal” and applied to all the organizations of the society, whether it is large or small, profit making or non-profit making, and a manufacturing or service enterprise Managing is the key social function and management is the effective, integrative,constitutive, determining, and differential organ of the society Management is the organ of leadership, direction and decision in a business enterprise and responsible for producing the results Management has evolved as the most lucrative academic discipline by itself offering huge scope for the graduates to perform and excel as teachers. Management faculty are in great demand all over the world and are as well compensated for their services. New disciplines of management like Public Health, Health care, Information Technology, Labor management are gaining importance Effective management is aimed at improved productivity ( efficient people produce effective results-so ‘RIGHT PEOPLE FOR THE RIGHT JOB’ becomes essential) Pic Courtesy: Coschedule The society has various facets like government, suppliers, local community, competitors, unions, stock-holders, customers etc. The manager is the spokesperson in-charge of negotiating and spending much of his time to predict and influence the future environment and take pro-active measures. This is the managerial function relating to the environment....