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Industrial Relations

Industrial Relations
INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS STRATEGY THE INDUSTRIAL DISPUTES ACT, 1947: An Act to make provision for the investigation and settlement of industrial disputes, and for certain other purposes. It is a universally accepted fact that maintaining industrial peace is of significant importance as it yields higher productivity and arrests industrial unrest. Conflicts manifest themselves in the form of strikes, poor productivity, absenteeism and attrition. These are symptoms of growing conflicts which the management has to weed out right at the start and remove the discontent amongst their employees. Relationships can always be complex or they can always be simple depending on your attitude, how you look at it. In a larger scale, definitely it is a complex phenomenon that has to be dealt with utmost care, as feelings and emotions take lead during problem situations and logic and discipline are conveniently forgotten. Employee Participation: Employee participation is the only way to promote industrial democracy and peace. In course of time it becomes a business strategy and takes the shape of self-management when the pressure of management is eased out to a larger extent. Always remember that the confidence on your workers proves to be the key that opens the door of trust and reciprocation. Workers also understand the storm and turbulence that the management experiences in terms of finance and selling. Proper Training: Proper training given to the heads of various departments in terms of attitude, language, behavior, presence of mind and employee motivation helps the management to avoid unnecessary conflicts. Training given to the union leaders of various capacities on the other hand boosts up their confidence and make them feel as “one” with the management. Social relations are always not to be taken for granted as it determines your integrity and success in the business society. Some golden rules or strategies to make your working smooth and avoid conflicts and strikes. (Works out for both sides) Put yourself in other man’s shoe to know or understand why the other side has taken that particular “stand” or position and many a time we come to know it is only due to misguided apprehensions, mistaken beliefs or just fear of change that is an inherent quality in humans. They resist change as it is simply their habit. The negotiator who represents your side should be agreeable, affable and he should be able to project your ideas and claims in a proper manner and also he should protect your interest. See to it that he doesn’t fall bait to some attractive offers from the other side. Approach the problems with an “open mind”; don’t give space for rumors and gossips. Let the conversation between you and your opponents (not enemies) be fair and square and straight forward. Also don’t try to beat around the bush as it is a colossal waste of useful time and energy and of course your hard earned money. Consider union as a partner and not a “necessary evil”. You have to “work-with” and “live-with” them. In fact smooth relations make work easier and concern for the welfare and security of your employees make them come closer to you and contribute more in terms of productivity. Identify the anchor persons who can be dealt “in person” to make things easy for both sides and find out what their very idea of negotiation is, to finish the deal with minimum effort. The management must create a sense of belongingness in the minds of employees. Survival and success of an organization depends solely on the very survival and success of their workers who believe that work is...
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Social Responsibilities of Business

Social Responsibilities of Business
According to Raymond Bauer, “Social responsibility is seriously considering the impact of the company’s actions on the society. It may also refer to the person’s obligation to evaluate in the decision making process, the effects of both his personal and institutional decisions and actions on the whole system, according to Keith Davis and Cobert Blomstorm. A) SOCIAL OBJECTIVES OF BUSINESS: 1. The focus should be on quality, safety, service and security which lead to customer satisfaction. Quality– Product superiority and durability Safety– Products should not cause any harm to the consumers Service– After sales service is the link that builds a long standing relationship between the company and customers Security– Sense of satisfaction and belief on the company’s brand  2. The business has social responsibility of giving adequate opportunities to the members of the society. If everybody aims at white collar job, how does a nation grow economically? Developing economies should promote and encourage entrepreneurs to create more “Job Opportunities.” This especially suits countries like India and China where the pressure of population is very high.  3. Mass production facilitates in factorizing the economy of scale and at the same time aids in providing with quality goods at reasonable prices to the consumers. We see big chain of retail shops like Cosco and Wal-Mart in the US have made this possible where consumers can avail discount for bulk purchase. In India, Big Bazaar is a forerunner in this kind of retail marketing which enhances the material well being of a community and raises the average standard of living of the people. 4. Another main objective of business would be to control the percentage of pollution in air, water and land. Discharge of effluent in a lake or a river by the industrial enterprise may result in water pollution and also affects the plant, animal life and fish and birds to a considerable extent. Stringent laws must be in place to avoid such incidences and protect the society. B) RESPONSIBILITY TO CONSUMERS There is only one valid definition of business purpose: “to create a customer”, the customer is the foundation of a business and keeps it in existence. The responsibilities of a business towards its customers would be: Increased productivity in order to make goods available for the consumers at the right time at right prices; this solely depends upon the increased efficiency of functioning of the businessConstantly strive to improve the quality of goodsR & D to improve product quality and to come out with better and new productsProper distribution structure to reach even the remotest of locationsRemove hoarding, black marketing, profiteering by middlemen or anti-social elementsProvide them with the required after sales serviceEnsure that the product supplied has no adverse effectSufficient information about the product has to be given to the consumers regarding the adverse effects and precautions to be taken while      using the productNo misleading product information through improper advertisements or otherwiseTo provide an opportunity for being heard and to redress consumer grievances Consumer courts are becoming popular in India for handling consumer grievances swiftly and efficiently. It is but a sad thing that many people do not know that they can address issues relating to quality, quantity or service. The businesses should understand the consumer needs and take necessary measures to satisfy those needs.  C) REPONSIBILITY TO THE COMMUNITY  To prevent environmental pollution and to preserve the ecobalanceAssisting in the overall development of a localityUse alternate energy resourcesContributing to research and developmentRehabilitate the population displaced by the operation of the businessDevelopment of economically backward areasPromotion of small scale industriesContributing to the national effort It is gratifying to see that many leading corporate icons of...
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