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Social Media May Make You Lose Out On That Job

Social Media May Make You Lose Out On That Job
Social Media May Make You Lose Out On That Job Don’t forget that everything you say online stays there, and anyone can see it including probable employers, former bosses, or current work mates. Any dubious photos, potentially offensive comments, and criticisms against current or former employers may come back to trouble you. Fama has come out with a resourceful post on what shouldn’t you be doing on social media that might cost your job. Read on… Social media screening has now become an essential part of the corporate world. With information being widely accessible through the World Wide Internet, many internet users’ lives are now an open book. Luckily for the HR department, this makes screening out bad characters a breeze. Those embarrassing posts that you had made years ago on your social media account may come back to bite you if it was in your real name. With corporations being concerned about public and especially online image, they are cleaning out bad characters that could potentially compromise things. This is where Fama’s vision comes into play, as they are now the largest producer of social screening technology in the world. Should we embrace it? Social media can bring out the worst in even the quietest person. Although it may be abused by HR department to essentially isolate people that have certain opinions, it may be useful to block toxic people out of the workplace. For instance, somebody who creates blog posts on Facebook regarding violence or suicidal tendencies may not be the coworker that you want next to you. Although a long-shot, you will be glad that social media screening could mitigate the chance of a workplace shooting. In another instance, it can also help thwart potential thieves and scam artists. Although it is quite silly, there are some people that brag about their criminal endeavors or workplace conflicts. It would be easy for the HR department to dodge a bullet by filtering out the troublemakers. A Resourceful Infographic from HireRight on Background Checks done by Employers through Social Media: Could it be abused? Of course, some people are worried about the immoral usage that could go along with the power of social media monitoring. For example, having an unpopular political opinion may offend your boss and cause employment to be terminated. In many parts of the world, this type of discrimination is contestable in court but it may also be difficult to prove. How to navigate social media with coworkers? When it comes to navigating social media with regard to work contacts, it can be hard to decide who to friend or follow, which requests to accept, and what you should allow your professional contacts to see on your profile. And it’s not just a matter of job security (although posting pictures from the beach when you’ve called in sick could certainly lead to that type of problem); there’s also the fact that seeing how coworkers act in their off hours and what they choose to post could create significant changes in your workplace dynamic. At the end of the day, it’s up to you to decide what feels right when it comes to social media connection, and factors like your personal demographic, the social media platform in question (as well as how you use it), your industry, and your role at the company may influence your choices. Take a look at this infographic to gain a better understanding of what you should consider before connecting with your colleagues on various social media platforms. Don’t Make Mistakes Social media is also the main way to keep tabs on employees during their supposed sick days. If you make an...
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