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Top 30 Branding and Story Telling Quotes

Top 30 Branding and Story Telling Quotes
Branding through story telling is one of the effective ways to create an impact on your customers. Businesses and brands of all sizes should use the potent influence of story telling. We have compiled 30 branding and story telling quotes for your benefit. ❝ A brand is no longer what we tell the consumer it is – it is what consumers tell each other it is. 💡 Scott Cook ❝ Your brand is a story unfolding across all customer touch points. 💡 Jonah Sachs ❝ Brand is the sum total of how someone perceives a particular organisation. Branding is about shaping that perception. 💡Ashley Friedlein ❝ A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well. 💡 Jeff Bezos ❝ Brand is just a perception, and perception will match reality over time. 💡 Elon Musk ❝ It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently. 💡 Warren Buffett ❝ A brand is a promise. A good brand is a promise kept. 💡 Muhtar Kent ❝ The most successful marketer becomes part of the lives of their followers. They follow back. They wish happy birthday. They handle problems their customers have with products or service. They grow their businesses and brands by involving themselves in their own communities. 💡 Marsha Collie ❝ You too are a brand. Whether you know it or not. Whether you like it or not. 💡 Marc Ecko, fashion designer, entrepreneur, and artist ❝ If people believe they share values with a company, they will stay loyal to the brand. 💡 Howard Schultz, former CEO of Starbucks ❝ Satisfaction is a rating. Loyalty is a brand. 💡 Shep Hyken, customer service and experience expert and best-selling author ❝ Products are made in a factory, but brands are created in the mind. 💡 Walter Landor, branding pioneer ❝ Design is the silent ambassador of your brand. 💡 Paul Rand, art director and graphic designer ❝ Your personal brand serves as your best protection against business factors you can’t control. 💡 Dan Schawbel, bestselling author and founder of research and advisory firm Millennial Branding ❝ Your brand is the single most important investment you can make in your business. 💡 Steve Forbes, Editor-in-Chief of business magazine Forbes. ❝ Your personal brand is a promise to your clients… a promise of quality, consistency, competency, and reliability. 💡 Jason Hartman, founder and CEO of Platinum Properties Investor Network ❝ Personal branding is no longer reserved just for senior executives or sales leaders; it’s for all employees at all levels and in all functions. ❝ Define what your brand stands for its core values and tone of voice, and then communicate consistently in those terms.” 💡 Simon Mainwaring ❝ Good brands reflect the histories of the time and the group of people that made them. They cannot be easily copied. They cannot be recycled. A brand is like an artist’s signature. 💡 Richard Branson ❝ Branding is about so much more than what people see. Its about how you make people feel. 💡 Kimberly Haydn ❝ Sales will make you money today. Branding will make you money for years. 💡 Business Facts ❝ Make the customer the hero of your story. 💡 Ann Hadley ❝ Your business is the body. Your brand is the soul. ❝ A good brand should be felt as well as seen. ❝ A mission statement sets the tone for your entire brand story. ❝ A brand becomes a brand when it is consistent ❝ People do not buy goods and...
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What Small Businesses Need to Know About Developing a Brand

What Small Businesses Need to Know About Developing a Brand
What Small Businesses Need to Know About Developing a Brand? If I asked you the name of your business, you could probably respond without a second thought. But what if I were to ask you about your brand? What is the story you would tell, the mission you want to achieve, and the unique characteristics that set your business apart from your competitors? You’d probably need a bit more time, but it would be time well spent. Branding is a powerful tool. It can turn first-time customers into loyal followers and long-time customers into word-of-mouth marketers. Branding, when done masterfully, is the reason we apply “Chapstick” to soothe dry lips, eat “Popsicles” to cool down on a hot day, and “Google” the answer to life’s most pressing questions. Needless to say, brand identity is an important component to your business.     Picture Courtesy : 4 Compelling Brand Stories You Should Be Telling   How Can You Grow Your Brand? Its clear brand development is important, but how do you build it into your marketing efforts? There are numerous answers to that question, but the following often represent the most common and impactful way to increase brand awareness: Content Marketing: In many circles, content is considered the leading way to do everything from improving organic search results to, as you guessed it, increase brand awareness. Through this method, well-curated articles, blog posts, videos, white papers, etc. are used to increase brand credibility. Content is then distributed through various channels, including email, social media, and on the brand’s website or blog.     Picture Courtesy: 18 Types of Content Marketing You Can Use To Grow Your Business Ultimately content works to show your brand as a source of knowledge, whether it pertains to industry trends or customer needs.   Social Media Advertising: Social media allows business owners to leverage posts, shares, stories, and comments to engage directly with existing and potential customers. While much of that interaction is free, there are additional paid advertising options that can help small business owners take advantage of social media advertising to increase reach.   Picture Courtesy: Best Social Media Management Tools – No More Social Media Babysitting Many social media platforms, including LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat offer paid advertising opportunities that base ad placement on user data. This can place your brand in front of a specific audience base or target user.   Charitable Initiatives: Companies like PetSmart, TOMs, and REI have long attracted customers through their dedication to philanthropic initiatives. By doing so, they’ve associated their brands with a specific mission – helping pets, clothing children, or saving the environment. When “giving” initiatives are leveraged correctly, they highlight your brand’s mission and show your commitment to goodwill. As such, your brand gains notoriety among audiences that share similar interests or philanthropic goals.     Picture Courtesy: Top 10 Best Free SEO Tools To instantly Improve Your Google Ranking in 2019   Search Engine Marketing (SEM): Today, SEM refers to any type of paid search efforts and has become an umbrella term used to refer to pay-per-click (PPC) and cost-per-click (CPC) marketing strategies. Through this method, you purchase ad space on search engine result pages (SERPS) on Google, Bing, etc. Instead of ranking organically for specific keywords, SEM allows your brand to show up at the top of a SERP, presenting your brand to highly targeted audiences. You Know How to Grow It, But How Do You Pay for It? While each of these methods can help you increase brand awareness, they often come at a price. Social media and SEM ads are often paid promotions that are based on the number of clicks. Content...
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