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Are You Customer Centric or Product Centric

Are You Customer Centric or Product Centric
Customer Centric or Product Centric Customer centric: refers to the orientation of a company to the needs and behaviors of its customers. Product centric: refers to the orientation of a company towards manufacturing and improving the product line. All products that enter the market are not given the kind of welcome which only certain products are able to enjoy. Why is that only few products are top notch and others average performers? The answer is very simple, you need to be customer centric rather focusing on improving your product and its range. What is the fun in making products that go bland over a period of time? Creating an appealing product does not suffice the requirements of the consumers. Understanding the consumer, his needs and preferences makes you a good marketer. “What people want to buy and what you want people to buy are entirely two different entities.” Customer Wanton and Preferences Marketing is a concept that talks about creating a favorable environment or identifying a niche where you can sell your products comfortably or where the products can sell themselves provided the focus is on the target customer. What companies do now in the name of marketing is nothing but product promotion that exhausts huge chunk of money from the management’s treasury. Business schools have a great role to play in idealizing these concepts for the better understanding of management graduates, make them deliver the right choice of action in real time environment. Marketing starts right from developing a prospective business idea into a concrete business plan followed by branding and promotions. But the product base has to be built upon customer wanton and preferences. Indigenous Products The soft drink “Bovonto” is very popular and a preferred drink in south of Tamilnadu, India and the manufacturers have their plants at various places in Tamilnadu. Although not a big name in the international market, it is a direct competitor for Coke and Pepsi in the southern regions of Tamilnadu. The grape vine is that the product is a perfect “market fit”. To our amusement and amazement the product has communicated well with the market place through taste and quality. Here is the unerring message, ‘Let the product speak for itself’. Indigenous products always gain instant recognition as they connect well with the local people emotionally. If people of each and every country vows only to buy indigenous products, many MNC’s would be out of business and filing for bankruptcy. Such is the power of the market and people who are the owners of the market. What is that ‘X’ factor that makes your product different and unique Let’s look at it from another perspective. Incidentally you happen to develop a great product and you want to market the product. This situation calls for patenting the product and again it can be made market centric by finding the right market segment for the product and promoting it in such a way that the product content appeals to the market. Tell the masses how your product can solve specific problems through its unique content. What is that ‘X’ factor that makes your product different and unique as well is what you have to communicate to the people whom you are targeting. Facebook has revolutionized the internet marketplace by offering simple and user friendly interface and a sophisticated niche for each and every individual who wants to make his/ her presence felt. A good business plan is one which incorporates the best of ideas from all spheres of the company, as marketing is not a separate entity and promotions call for huge investments. Many companies fail to understand the basis of market success which...
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Who is an Entrepreneur

Who is an Entrepreneur
Who is an Entrepreneur? An entrepreneur is one with long term vision, creativity, uniqueness and the most conspicuous feature is undoubtedly his risk taking ability. He embarks on uncertain investments and also possesses an unusually minimal level of uncertainty aversion. He always comes out with brilliant business ideas since he is open to new information available in the rapidly changing business environment; this also facilitates self-directed and independent decisions aiding in quick growth maximization of the business enterprise. Concept of Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship is all about action that involves opportunity exploitation and venture creation. The concept of entrepreneurship is becoming increasingly popular in developing countries as it tends to promote economic growth of a nation. “No entrepreneur, no development,” is the kind of significance attached with entrepreneurialism. Who is an Entrepreneur Though entrepreneurship is an individual’s free choice activity, it emerges and functions in a social and cultural setting. An entrepreneur must be prudent in choosing a business activity that will be supported and valued by the society and that which improves his economic standards. Consumers are always on the look-out for a product or a service that is different but unique. This proves to be an advantage for an entrepreneur to exploit the unexplored niches of the market segment. An entrepreneur has to observe and act upon opportunities that are unusual but promising. He has to study the pros and cons of a project in terms of capital investment, plant layout, production facility, labor availability, market proximity, demography, people’s preference and economic viability. The distinct features of an entrepreneur for a better understanding: Persistence and perseveranceResourcefulness to take the business activity to the next levelEternal quest for knowledgeQuality consciousSystematic planningSelf-confidenceDaringCrisis management with easePersuasion –capability to convince the customers and othersStrategy king Excellent communication skills Proficiency in a variety of subjects and disciplinesTo them , work is passionNonchalance and the like. It is the combination of body of knowledge, set of skills and cluster of appropriate motives that makes an entrepreneur a star performer. He is the pivot about which all other factors of production, productive resources and techniques revolve. Innovativeness, risk taking ability and proactiveness are the three dimensions fundamental to the concept of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is a way of thinking, reasoning and acting that is opportunity obsessed (Timmons). Lakshmi Mittals and Warren Buffets belong to this category where in they have created value through recognition of business opportunities. https://www.instagram.com/p/B-t7sPKHkq4/ Follow YoungHstlrs and Entrepreneurzone for Business and Entrepreneurship...
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