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Corporate Culture

The Ideology of Corporate Culture

What is Corporate Culture: the collective beliefs, value systems, and processes that provide a company with its own unique flavor and attitude.

Management Attitude:

Globalization has necessitated organizations existing in the corporate business world to respond in a unique way in an attempt to enjoy a competitive edge in the market.

Corporate culture is a value that keeps an organization intact and helps in building team spirit amongst the members. It is not possible to specifically describe or delineate the concept of culture, yet, people are aware of its fine and striking presence.

Let us say that each corporate firm has a dissimilar but unique culture which embraces the values, norms, beliefs and assumptions of the members of the organization and their behavior. It is also greatly induced by the leadership style and management attitude.

corporate culture

Role of Culture:

Why do organizations need culture as a milieu? Has culture any role in improving the output? Management uses culture as a means to reach out to the employees in an informal manner, to signify what is expected of them plus what is to be expected from the management.

Culture cuts through all the levels of an organization and unites the members or employees, to work towards enterprise objectives in a remarkable manner. It is a sort of identity label on the organization and its interest to promote or espouse the value systems through out the organization.

Corporate culture encompasses the following qualities enlisted:

  • Quality driven
  • Presence of an informal atmosphere
  • Open communication
  • Customer centric business model
  • Proper and likable dress code
  • Trust and confidence amid employees
  • Value based management
  • CEOs’ as strategic drivers in setting a candid corporate culture
  • CEO’s naturalness and spontaneity with the employees
  • Gratifying employee welfare and security measures
  • Value systems indicated by the vision and mission statements
  • Codified employee behavior
  • Well devised operating strategies
  • Greater autonomy tomanagers at different levels
  • Rewards and recognitions and so on…



Corporate culture is considered to be a dogma, which many organizations utilize as a means to develop and amalgamate prospective employee groups.

An employee learns all about the firm, its activities, the role he is supposed to play, information regarding his superiors, training, career advancements or promotions, pay, employee leave procedures and the long range goals of the organization during the time of induction.

The firms should capitalize on this incubation period to spruce up the minds of the employees to act in accordance with the desired values expected by the management.

Corporate Culture


Value Systems:

It is inevitable for each and every organization to develop a value system over a period of time based on the founder’s outlook towards business and people working for him. This creates a strong or a weak culture which has an effect on the output or performance of the employees.

This also serves as a clear indication whether the organization is proceeding in the right direction. We should never forget that a sound culture eventually aims at achieving the end goals of an organization.

Corporate Culture Examples

The cultural framework of an organization facilitates this process to materialize in a smooth manner. Though intangible in nature, it wields its negative power, when not nurtured appropriately.

Flourishing organizations always have pride in their robust cultural back ground, which is a mark of distinction. It definitely shapes up an organization to deliver performance that matches and often surpasses the industry standards.

The head of an organization has an important role as a leader as well as a change agent in taking his organization to the next level. The mutual faith and trust between the superior and his subordinates is the anchor point of an organization.

Culture – An Intervention Technique:

The culture of an organization also serves as an intervention technique to bring about the desired change in the development of that organization. I would like to reiterate the fact that a CE is the focal point around which the firm functions. The whole gamut of constructive change in the objectives and direction of the firm can be justified by the CEO in a credible manner to prepare the employees for an absolute change over.


Google is a company that is well-known for its employee-friendly corporate culture.Google’s corporate culture has helped it to consistently earn a high ranking on Fortune magazine’s list of “100 Best Companies to Work For.”