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How to Deliver Great Customer Service?

Customer Service is the emerging battlefield where small businesses need to score. And if they manage to do well here, then their brands can get automatically differentiated.

“Customers may forget what you said but they’ll never forget how you made them feel. “

The existing customers can function as the brand advocates, socially endorsing the business on all channels. 

Customers today demand to engage with both small and big brands on a 1-to-1 basis. They expect the brands to remember their names and details on second interaction onwards.

How to deliver great customer service

CRM – The Importance of  Customer Relationship Management

The depicted infographic here clearly chalks out what needs to be done when it comes to resolving customer issues by delivering a smooth and seamless experience through various channels.

Customer Relationship Management is the central point of this infographic developed in tandem with TalkDesk covering the importance of Customer Service across all communication channels, and how to make sure every customer is treated like a VIP.

Infographic Courtesy : Kaylee White Ghergich & Co.

Social Media and User Experience

Social Media has its own role to play when it comes to “USER EXPERIENCE”- Convince and Convert suggests that 42% of customers develop two minds about a brand if they do not get a social reply from it within 1 hour.

So it becomes essential for all businesses to have the capability to get back to the customers promptly on social media.

Customers want effortless engagement

Successful companies recognize that the race from good to great customer experiences is on and that consumers just want effortless engagement.

Customer service philosophy

Client service teams must now use data from social media platforms, mobile apps, loyalty programs and a host of other sources to tailor experiences to their customers.

The goal is to gain a competitive edge and that means creating an emotional, therefore memorable experience for your customers.

Poor client service has an impact on the bottom line and profit margins. 

Good customer service can be the greatest sales asset a retailer can have, encouraging loyalty and word-of-mouth recommendations.

But bad customer service cannot only see a particular sale lost in an instant, but long-term irreparable damage done to the brand.

Secure Your Place in the Market Through Great Customer Service

Firstly, marketplaces are competitive. There are numerous sellers, sometimes selling fairly similar products.

One point of differentiation is price, but another is certainly customer service.

There is great cache to being listed as one of the number one sellers on a marketplace.

Customers see you first, and you rank highly in searches. One of the ways to reach this status is via customer service, so sellers really go the extra mile to ensure customer service is as good as it possibly can be.