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How to Revitalize Your Lead Management Process

This is an article crafted by Salesforce Marketing Cloud in tandem with Ghergich & Co.. specialising in SEO and Content Marketing, that gives companies advice on revamping their lead management process. Because proper lead management is a task for multiple departments, this article shares insight on how to help the departments work together, as well as how to use marketing automation to improve your lead handoff process.

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How much do you really know about and use your lead management software? What does it do for you, and how can you make it work harder?

Well, one of the ways to make it work harder is to make your team work harder—and we’re not talking about just the sales team. We’re talking about everyone: helping them understand the process, helping them understand the responsibilities, and helping them learn how to use the management software to create a system that’s robust and fulfilled.

One of the key uses of any lead management system is to help qualify leads, because not every lead is the same. Some are high quality, and may be further into the possible sales pipeline than others. Some may be in the process of being nurtured, while others are rejected. So how do you learn more about software and how do you use it well?  This graphic offers an explanation.

The full lead management process

Are you used to hearing the words “no” “nope,” “not interested?” Your prospects are rejecting you for a number of reasons. Here are the most common reasons why?

  1. You’re not reaching out to the right people.
  2. Your product is not the right fit.
  3. They weren’t ready to make a decision.
  4. They prefer your competitors.
  5. They are just not interested.

How to Revitalize Your Lead Management Process

How your sales behavior affects your pipeline?

Buyer behavior is changing; it’s harder to reach potential customers. They demand more information and service from sales reps before making a decision. But many sales professionals are failing to adapt to this new game. 40% don’t have a well-defined sales process in place and only half feel they’re good at gaining access to key decision makers.

How good are you at qualifying leads


Lead Nurturing:

  • Companies that excel at lead nurturing generate 50% more sales ready leads at 33% lower cost.
  • Nurtured leads produce on an average, a 20% increase in sales opportunities versus non-nurtured leads.
  • Nurtered leads make 47% larger purchases than non-nurtured leads.

Benefits of a high performance lead generation process

Lead generation focuses on pouring as many leads as possible into the top of the funnel. It generates interest, brings visitors, increases web traffic, and prompts these viewers to fill out contact forms or call a phone number. But that’s as far as it goes.

Pipeline marketing sees the entire funnel holistically. It sees lead generation as only one small piece of a larger puzzle. Rather than aiming for volume, Pipeline Marketing aims for quality and readiness-to-buy. Also, these leads are tracked through the entire funnel, which allows pipeline marketers to see which channels, ads, content, and other marketing touchpoints, contributed to the bottom line.

Info Courtesy: Dailyinfographic