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Objectives and Functions of HRM

Objectives and Functions of HRM

Human Resource Management is very challenging because of the dynamic nature of the people and it is not only managing men but involves administering a social system.

  • According to Dale Yoder “Man power management is the function or activity in directing working men and women in maximizing their satisfaction in employment.”
  • George R. Terry says, “Personnel management is concerned with the obtaining and maintaining of a satisfactory and satisfied work force.”

objectives and functions of hrm


1. Social Objectives:  

a) Facing the challenge of unemployment and providing people with maximum employment opportunities is the first and foremost priority of countries like India where there is pressure of population growth.

b) The employees must be able to derive maximum satisfaction from the work performed.

c) The system should facilitate harmony and co-operative endeavor for one and all.

2. Personal Objectives:

Job satisfaction and rewards in the form of pay, promotion and recognition is aimed at, on the part of employees. This can be achieved by providing adequate remuneration, opportunities for advancement, facilities for training and development, job security and proper work.

3. Enterprise Objectives:

This can be achieved by selecting the right people for the right job, empowering them through training, development and participation.


1. Planning: Assessment of future man power requirement is done with the help of man power inventory chart followed by the recruitment and selection process. A clean job description is needed to lure people with the right skills for the right position. It is the responsibility of the manager of a firm to lay down specifications of the qualities and skills required by the workers and determining sources from where the workers are to be recruited. Selection is done by means of written test and personal interviews.

2. Organizing: This involves proper designing of organizational structure, the inter relationship between jobs, establishing smooth channels of communication, assignment of authority, responsibility and creating accountability, establishing line and staff relationship etc.

3. Directing: Issuing orders and instructions down the line and motivating the work force to carry out those instructions satisfactorily. Positive motivation in the form of financial and non-financial incentives, a good working environment is essential on the part of the management.

4. Controlling: The motive is to ensure that performance of each worker coincides with the plans or standards. Bench marking, Total quality management and Six sigma are some of the popular concepts of standardization.

→ Scope and Characteristics of HRM