Posted by Managementguru in Human Resource, Leadership, Lifestyle
on Sep 2nd, 2017 | 0 comments
9 Habits of the Most Successful People Reading Everyday: Start by reading 15 pages everyday. Nah… not talking about juicy fictional stories but insightful non fictional books. Bill Gates claims to read an hour every night before falling asleep. An avid reader, Gates takes in inspiring biographies, history books and philosophical texts. Ariana Huffington is known to have banned all electronic items from her bedroom, instead keeping a stack of real books for bedtime reading. Visualization: Start with books like “Think and Grow Rich” by Napolean Hill, “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie and the likes of “Power of Positive Thinking” by Norman Vincent. Visualizing yourself in an elevated plane or level will help you achieve those dreams in a very short span of time. Because we become what we think! Prioritization Find the most important task for the day and start executing it first. Set a time limit on this goal and you will always end up doing more than what you expected to accomplish. Time bound operations create a sense of urgency which gets things done. It’s not a race- don’t try to be the most efficient; try to be the most effective. Declutter your desk, your inbox, your task list and your life. Money Management Reading and learning about the greats in the industry gives you the necessary confidence to pull things in your favor. Go for great finance books like “Rich Dad Poor Dad”, by Robert.T. Kiyosaki, “The Millionaire Fastlane” , by MJ Demarco. Wake Up Early Set your alarm before 6’ oclock in the morning because to me early morning is the time when your brain can think clearly in terms of prioritization and planning. Wake up one hour early and gain 365 more productive hours. Waking up early means you have more time to do things without that rushed feeling that stresses us out. Goal Setting Set your goals in writing. Write everything down and follow through as planned. Those who set goals have proved to be front runners and earn twice as much on average as those who don’t. Exercise and Diet: Make sure you hit the gym every morning or get the recommended physical activity. Endorphin released during exercise can do wonders for your mind and body. Eat whatever you like but go for small portions. Networking Look for like minded people and influencers in your circle and join hands with them to improve your social ratings. Character Assessment Write down for yourself a certain set of rules you will live by that will lead to a successful life. Read these values first thing in the morning and live accordingly. Hope you enjoyed this article. Think of 10 things in your life that you are greatful about. Express your gratitude without fail because gratitude promotes happiness and...
Posted by Managementguru in Change management, How To, Human Resource, Motivation, Training & Development
on Nov 25th, 2016 | 0 comments
“A goal should scare you a little and excite you a lot.” “A dream written down with a date becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action makes your dreams come true.” “If a goal is worth having, it’s worth blocking out the time in your day-to-day life necessary to achieve it.” “Set a goal that makes you want to jump out of bed every morning.” “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” “Goals are like an address we punch into our navigation system that tells us which direction to go.” “Seeing your goal written in ink, on paper will have a powerful effect on your mind.” “Decide what you want. Decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your goals and go to work.” Share one GREAT goal you’re looking to achieve this year with the rest of the community in the comment section below! Take print-outs using the print friendly icon in the share buttons. The Five Golden Rules Set Goals that Motivate You Set SMART Goals Set Goals in Writing Make an Action Plan Stick With...
Posted by Managementguru in Business Management, Human Resource, Organisational behaviour, Principles of Management, Training & Development
on Mar 22nd, 2014 | 0 comments
Crucial Aspects of a Successful Training Plan Training should be aimed at improving the individual’s skill set as well mind set to gain knowledge about the work environment he will be exposed to, as well as to exhibit the right kind of attitude and behavior towards his peers and superiors. What is the need to train people? It is like molding raw clay into the desired shape and structure to suit our needs. An untrained individual, how well qualified he may be cannot fill the bill. Pros and Cons of Training: Corporate training methods include cognitive as well as behavioral type of training. But the crux of the whole thing is that the trainer must keep in mind the trainee’s present skill set or background and to train him in areas where he lacks verve. Also the pros and cons of each and every method should be analysed before training is imparted. Cognitive training is to theoretically teach trainees the concept of work and how to go about it. This is equally important as learning induces changes in behavior of individuals. Virtual Reality Training: Virtual reality training method is gaining momentum in areas of medicine, engineering and aeronautics where the trainee is exposed to situations artificially recreated for the purpose of simulation. Introduction to QuickBooks 2017 The trainee is benefited by the near perfect exposure he gets through these types of training methods. Simulations in the field of medicine are a real boon to students doing their internship and also to the surgeons performing complicated surgeries. On the job training: On the job training makes the trainees incorporate conceptual learning to be put into effective use. The experience adds value to their career and it is a good way to grow. The trainee also has to understand the significance of being trained that gives him an edge over others. Business games are popular in corporate setup where the members of a team are asked to don different roles or positions of the firm and solve a particular problem situation. This develops sound reasoning skills and instills confidence to handle crisis situations. Concept of training: The very concept of training is to make the individual tailor made for the job he is about to perform; not only the physical aspects but also psychological and social aspects have to be included in the package that will etch a comprehensive pattern in the process of management development techniques. Training improves the effectiveness and efficiency of performance, oriented towards goal setting, develops inter personal relationship and helps in the exercise of knowledge building providing room for improvement. Soft skill training: Soft skill training is a must as communication is the most important aspect that binds any organization for the purpose of delegation, clarification and development. Trainers have to be suitably trained and the common objective for both trainers and trainees would be to satisfy the objectives of the organization and work towards it. Evaluation of training gives you an idea whether your training design has been successful and the implementation satisfactory. Employee Feedback: Feedback from the employees and the ratio of performance standard achieved against the established standards sets the benchmark for the next mile of achievement to be covered. Blogging and Podcasting for Beginners Workshops, seminars, lectures, discussions aid not only the trainees but also the employers of the company to periodically refresh themselves with the ongoing changes and developments in the industry. The bottom line is, training has to bring in not only transitions but also transformations in individuals in terms of improved personality, attitude, behavior and adaptability to better their future...
Posted by Managementguru in Business Management, Organisational behaviour, Principles of Management
on Mar 7th, 2014 | 0 comments
Reinforcers and Behaviour Changes Reinforcers induce and enhance the association between the cue and the expectancy. This leads to increased performance levels and positive attitude development. This is an effective and efficient strategy that has been proved to be successful. Reinforcement is inevitable for learning process and in a dynamic corporate business environment, unlearning the old things and learning and adapting oneself to satisfy the needs of the changing environmental and economic factors is the critical success factor that serves as the backbone of the success of the company. Significance of Learning: Learning is not the only attribute that gets enhanced by reinforcers; as a result there is a repetition of desirable behavior that helps in maintaining the consistency, cordiality and climate of the organization. Reinforces increase the strength of response leading to desirable or undesirable consequences depending upon the kind of reinforcer, which might be a reward or a punishment. Either way it elicits response that gets strengthened in course of time. Mindset of People: The management side that is the deciding authority has to come to clear terms with the kind of treatment applicable on specific situations; say for instance when there is a need to complete a project in the stipulated time or achieve quantifiable targets which may prove very challenging or increase the production capacity in order to retain a major market share. Whatever be the case, the morale of the workers down the line, executives who coordinate the process, the managers who manage and report has to be maintained in the highest order. The mind set of the people working for you is very important as it encompasses the quality of work done, commitment to duty and determination to reach the target on time. Rewards: Rewards always make people happy and are found to be positively reinforcing. If you feel that monetary rewards are always a better stimulus, you are wrong. Money is always considered to be a reward; to consider it as a reinforcer cannot be neglected but at the same time it definitely is not a positive reinforcer.Feedback on performance is rated high on the reinforcer scale which takes you to the next level as a performer. Modern organizations have understood the system’s anomaly that gives undue importance to the huge amount of data that speaks volumes about people and their merits and achievements. Is it really enough to know things about people? People expect feedback about their performance and people with some degree of achievement definitely have an intense desire to know how they are doing? The more specific your feedback is, better the impact and greater the delay between the performance and feedback, the less the effect. Work Environment: The work environment itself can serve as a very good positive reinforcer provided there is freedom of expression, liberty to participate and an open door policy adopted by the managers and superiors. The top level management must take utmost care to design the reward system in such a way that it warrants fairness and equity. Employees are motivated to go for self appraisals with goal setting that is the biggest reinforcer of all times. Recognition: Recognition, rewards and praise tend to boost the ego of individuals which you can work it up to your advantage. Punishment is one of the most used and convenient but least understood and badly administered aspect of learning and reinforcing. Punishment equally alters the behavior of your subordinates which becomes more complex in course of time. Positively dealing with your subordinates by giving them one more chance, of course with a warning might serve the purpose. If punishments modify the behavior...
Posted by Managementguru in Business Management, Principles of Management, Training & Development
on Mar 7th, 2014 | 0 comments
MBO BY PETER DRUCKER Peter Ferdinand Drucker was an influential writer, management consultant, and self-described “social ecologist. Harvard Business Review honored Drucker in the June 2004 with his seventh McKinsey Award for his article, “What Makes an Effective Executive”, the most awarded to one person. The Concept of MBO: Management by objectives was a concept introduced by the doyen of management, Peter Drucker. This concept involves formulation of objectives for the entire organization and which are then broken down into divisional, departmental and finally individual objectives. Objectives are decided on the basis of mutual consultation between managers and employees at the departmental and divisional levels and thus it can be appropriately called an integration of top down and bottom up approaches in management. The specific aim is to make the employees participate in decision making and thus motivate them to perform better. Management by objectives follows a step-by-step procedure that ensures the feasibility of the action plans decided upon. Realistic and achievable plans are set. Activities to be preformed are identified. Logical relationship between the sequences of activities is laid down. Time frame and cost frame are fixed. Resources to be allocated are decided upon. Salient features of the process: Self control and Self direction: The workers exhibit keen self control in that, they self appraise their performance that results in intrinsic motivation. Setting short goals and periodical review to match the current performance with the expected standards greatly boosts the performance of each and every individual and gives him the necessary drive to accomplish the assigned tasks. Periodic progress review: This helps to correct errors and deviations if any. This review is done by managers of higher levels in a constructive way and adequate counseling and guidance can be given to the subordinates to bridge the shortfall if any, in performance. This is possible only when there exists a mutual understanding between the superior and subordinates to find reasons and solve problems together. Reviews need not necessarily pinpoint errors but also revise future plans and actions. The major emphasis of management by objectives lies in its result oriented approach. What is the relationship between management by objectives and motivation? Motivation of an employee can be brought about by financial incentives such as bonus, increments, pay and perks or non-financial incentives such as recognition, appreciation and additional responsibilities. But nothing can equal self-motivation which makes an employee perform with aplomb. As management by objectives is directly linked with goal-setting, performance becomes better and better as the goals are set at a higher level. It involves complete participation from the employees’ end and when specific goals are set by mutual consent of workers and management, the results are magnificent. Many firms practice management by objectives to promote harmony and sense of belonging in the minds of employees as a result of which there is remarkable improvement in performance and productivity. The focus is on improving the job design and work module to make the jobs more meaningful, interesting and...