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CEO – Chief Executive Officer Chief Executive Officer : The highest ranking executive in a company who is responsible for a company’s operations , usually the President or the Chairman of the Board. Chief Executive – Architect of an Organization: An architect brings out the aesthetics of a building by infusing soul into spaces through his thought process. Likewise a chief executive (CE) is the most important architect of an organization who is responsible for designing and building all aspects of strategic management right from formulation to evaluation of strategies through thought management. He has multifarious facets to exhibit and designations to be withheld, such as the managing director, executive director, president or general manager in business enterprises. As the chief strategist, he plays a pivotal role in strategic decision-making too. Due to the significance attached to the post, researchers and numerous authors have attempted to redefine their roles, functions and responsibilities from time to time. This is quite understandable since the CE of an association plays the most vital role in determining whether an organization has chosen the right path towards success. Chief Administrator: He might also be called as the organizational leader or builder; chief administrator, implementer or coordinator and communicator of organizational objectives; he should don various roles in the likes of motivator, personal leader or mentor, depending on the function he is anticipated to perform by the management. Every chief executive does not and need not personify all the above cited qualities: but a good chief with high business acumen and an eye for detail can definitely fill the bill over a period of time. Major roles and responsibilities of a chief executive: Enunciation of Corporate Philosophy -with the help of his team members the chief executive must try to set the company’s goals and objectives and supporting strategic moves must be planned from the bottom level to the top. Clues from the external environment must be taken into consideration before making the necessary moves. Growth-all the CE’s are expected to be growth stimulators. This can be accomplished by setting targets which have to be dealt with within the stipulated time period. Employees can be involved in this process to set short term objectives followed by periodical reviews with management executives to evaluate the success rate of the projects undertaken. The expertise and interest of the CE helps to infuse motivation and enthusiasm amongst the work force which results in quick completion of targets. A chief executive is responsible for both external and internal functional responsibilities. His role cannot be confined to a particular sphere of action as he is expected to be a generalist in order to manage effectively and be self sufficient once he reaches the top. Self-management and management of time are very important. Outgoing and should possess charisma Other parameters like age, intelligence, education, functional background and experience are also scrutinized when a company likes to choose its chief strategist. A CE performs the strategic tasks- actions which are essential to provide a direction to the organization in order to achieve its purpose. He is the key person in setting the mission of the organization, deciding the objectives and goals, formulating and implementing the strategies and in setting a concrete ethical prototype to enhance the quality of the system as a...
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Vedic Management

Vedic Management
VEDIC MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP INDIAN MANAGEMENT AND VEDIC LEADERSHIP From time immemorial, vedic scriptures and Upanishads have inspired people to acquire knowledge and wisdom about management principles and practices. Great spiritual leaders like Adisankara believed to be the reincarnation of Lord Shiva, Shri Krishna, the reincarnation of Lord Mahavishnu ,Lord Buddha, Shri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa have  spoken of the infinite realities of life . The Philosophy of Unlearning: It is really amazing to know that these teachings though popular for their philosophical perspective also are a source of inspiration for management philosophy. These scriptures are excellent guides for attaining focus and help us to unlearn old school of thought and rejuvenate us with proper perspective and approach. Inspiration from Bhagavat Gita: Most of us would have heard about this quote from the Bhagavat Gita- “Do your duty without expectations”- “The fruits of which will be reaped automatically.” I used to wonder if this is possible, but all business men and entrepreneurs will definitely go by this since it proves to be the highest business philosophy too. Businesses thrive when done with a perfect vision , backed up by strong policies and ethical procedures. Adisankara: Adhi sankara has already paved the way for “Equality among the masses” when he realized and reiterated that people cannot be and should not be discriminated based on their caste and creed. His life span was very short-he was hardly 32 years when he left this world, but his preachings are there to stay forever. He was definitely a natural leader in presenting his views with clarity that serve as an eternal guide for mankind. Lord Krishna – A Magnificient Leader: Leaders ought to be natural and inspire people to follow them willingly. Lord Krishna was such a magnificient leader of Dwabara yuga who was a mentor for the Pancha pandavas and Gauravas too. The sad part of the story was Gauravas were not willing or not wise enough to utilise the services of Lord Krishna. We miss many viable business opportunities by oversight like Duryodana, the leader of Gauravas- he was a great warrior but not a good listener. “To be heard, you have to first listen,” I think this is the first step in the process of management Progress is impossible without change and those who are not willing to change cannot change anything. How true these words of George Bernardshaw are! Leaders of next century need to have better adaptive capabilities, cross-functional expertise, a positive attitude towards unlearning and re learning and also develop leadership of various levels of organization. What do Vedic Scriptures say? Coming back to vedic scriptures, they direct the mankind towards purifying the mind so that it becomes the hot seat of infinite energy leading to higher levels of strategic thinking and performance. The problem with us is that we always tend to correlate spirituality with renunciation of worldly life- It is not that; making the energy chakras inside our body live and active is the saarams ( essence) taking us to a heightened level in terms of thinking and action. To be a good leader your health should be fine in three key areas 1. Mental health Intelligence and creativity at its best Increased self-actualisation and self-confidence Greater ability to focus Higher levels of moral judgement Reduced anxiety and depression 2. Physical health Reduced need (or no need) for seeing the doctor for treatment Decreased risk factor for disease Reduction of high blood pressure Decreased alcohol consumption and drug abuse Stress reduction Prevention of ageing and increased longevity Note: It has been scientifically proved that by reciting GAYATHRI MANTRA and performing Sandhya vandanam, which is a natural yoga or pranayama method, your life...
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Functions of a Leader

Functions of a Leader
One of the key concepts of leadership is that everyone has innate leadership skills that can be ‘polished’ and developed. In excellent organizations, everyone, regardless of title or position, is encouraged to act like a leader. One of the principles of effective leadership is “to make sure that other people will be willing to follow you. Unfortunately, management education doesn’t place enough emphasis on leadership skills.” The functions of a leader can be defined as follows: 1. Taking the initiative – A leader initiates all actions necessary for the purpose of warranting the health and growth of the enterprise in a competitive economy. 2. He identifies group goals 3. He represents the organization 4. He acts as an arbitrator 5. To assign reasons for his actions 6. To interpret the objectives of organization 7. To guide and direct the organization 8. To encourage team work 9. He manages the organization Top 50 Quotes That Show the Road to Success This exemplary leadership model by kouzes and posner will give you a fair idea on how a leader should set behavioral and performance standards in an organization. Leadership Styles Every leader has his own style that can be defined as a leader‘s behavior towards group members. It refers to the pattern of behavior which a leader embraces in influencing the behavior of his subordinates in the organizational context. Different leadership styles can be categorized as follows. 1. Autocratic Leadership Autocratic leadership is also known as authoritarian, directive, leader centered or monothetic style. Under this style, leader concentrates all authority in himself, instructs a subordinate as to what to do, how to do it, when to do it etc. He also exercises close supervision and control over his subordinates. There are three categories of autocratic leaders a. Strict Autocrat – A strict autocrat believes on negative authority and gives orders which the subordinates must accept. He may also use his powers to disperse rewards to his group. b. Benevolent Autocrat – The benevolent style aids in accomplishing high productivity in many situations and he can develop effective human relationship. His motivational style is usually positive. c. Manipulative Autocrat – A manipulative autocrat leader is one who makes the subordinates feel that they are participating in decision making process even though he has already taken the decisions. 2. Participative Leadership This style is also called as democratic, consultative, group centered or ideographic style. A participative leader is one who consults and welcomes his subordinates to participate in decision making process. Under this style, subordinates are freely allowed to communicate with the leader and also with their fellow subordinates and take their own initiative. 3. Laissez Faire or Free-rein Leadership Under this style of leadership, the leader mostly depends upon the group and its members to establish their own goals and make their own decisions. The leader is passive and assumes the role of just another member in the group. Only very little control is exercised over group members. This style is also known permissive style of leadership. This style is appropriate only in certain situations where the manager can leave a choice to his groups. A leader is supposed to possess these discretionary skills required at different times and during interaction with different people… Qualities of a successful leader The following are the major innate qualities in a successful leader. 1. Physical features like height, weight, health and appearance 2. Intelligence 3. Emotional stability 4. Human relations 5. Empathy 6. Objectivity 7. Motivating skills 8. Technical skills 9. Communicative skills 10. Social...
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