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Market Research for Product Line

Market Research for Product Line
Market Research for Product Line Management Business firms, whether involved in the manufacture of goods or delivery of services, have to understand the importance of marketing research that would give a fair idea about their territory of operations and the scope for development. Let me first clarify the obvious difference between a market research and marketing research. While market research is confined to only a market which comprises of its potential and actual buyers, a marketing research delves deep into and further beyond, covering all areas of marketing including the market. Identification of Consumer Needs: Identification of consumer needs and satisfying them is vital for the emergence of a buyers market. Although firms manufacture goods that are competitive in terms of quality and price, it is the middlemen, the linking factor between the manufacturer and the wholesaler or retailer, that have a commanding grip on distribution, affecting sales volumes. Extensive marketing research will help firms to solve such problems of middlemen and distribution, to cater to the needs of the ever expanding market. Preference of People: People’s preference always changes resulting in a sea change of market conditions. In order to anticipate and meet any such changes, a firm needs to analyze the market conditions on a day to day basis. Also improving the product design helps a firm to retain its customer base. How does a firm survive in the market without knowing the elemental changes that are happening in its immediate environment? Pricing is one of the crucial factors that determine the acceptance ratio of a product or range of products. Information Source: Marketingtutor A separate department is maintained by some top corporate firms to collect relevant information about the pricing strategies of rival companies that helps them to take the market lead, by quoting competitive prices comparatively. Such secret agendas are a need of the hour to outsmart your rivals. Sales Promotion and Advertisement Campaigns: Another component of the research planning is sales promotion and advertisement campaigns. Sales promotion is solely dependent upon the sales force and the marketing manager has to play a key role in integrating their functions to bring out their strengths. The activities of the sales personnel should be oriented towards targets and a mission without a target is like travelling without knowing the destination. Information Source: BBAMANTRA When we talk about advertisements, they not only sell tangible products but also intangible things like morals, values, love etc., So, it becomes even more important for the advertisers to follow some built in standards that does not affect the ethical values of the society concerned and also they should make it a point not to make women a mere object of attraction. The market research that is a part of marketing research includes the study of the following: Market sizeMarket potentialMarket shareMarket segmentsMarket trends and seasonal trendsSales forecastingConsumer profileConsumer preferenceCompetitor analysisMeasuring the price elasticity of demand and much more. Such marketing research helps a firm to develop a comprehensive plan regarding effective training programmes, sales force management, research and development programmers and effective control mechanisms. It also facilitates efficient decision making and the operational tasks of marketing management, thereby contributing to customer satisfaction and efficiency of the...
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Venture Capital- The Inside Story

Venture Capital- The Inside Story
Venture Capital and Traditional Financing- Comparison of Advantage Venture capital is a new form of financing that has come as a boon for young entrepreneurs and it plays a strategic role in financing small scale enterprises and high technology and risky ventures. In all the developed and developing nations it has made its mark by providing equity capital, so, they are more like equity partners rather than financiers and they are benefited through capital gains. Don Valentine is known as "the grandfather of Silicon Valley Venture Capital". He was one of the original investors in Apple, Atari, LSI Logic, Cisco Systems, Oracle, and Electronic Arts back in the 1970s. So he has a top notch track record. Here are some of his quotes:— Lion (@Lion_Investor1) July 27, 2021 Venture capitalists evaluate the risk using the following factors: Management TeamCompetitive AdvantageMarket PotentialBarriers to entryExit Strategy Banks’ Stand Towards First Generation Entrepreneurs Young and growing businesses need capital at the right time, not only to float their company in the market but also to survive in the long run. When financial institutions like banks and other private financial organizations hesitate to take the risk of early stage financing, since the credibility of the budding firm is not established, venture capital firms comes into the foray to fund the project in the form of equity which can be termed as “high risk capital”. Venture Capitalist is like an Equity Partner Although there is a misconception that the interest of venture capital firms is mainly driven by cutting edge technology in the industry, it is not always the case with all venture capital firms. A venture capitalist associates high risk with huge profits; of course after thoroughly analyzing the prospects and consequences and the viability of the project. The venture capitalist becomes a partner with the entrepreneur in his business. True venture capital financing need not confine itself to high end technology products. Any risky idea with great potential can be financed and venture capital is an all powerful mechanism to promote and institutionalize entrepreneurship. Focus on Growth Mainly venture capital focuses on growth. A venture capitalist is very much interested to see a small business growing into a larger one. He assists in setting up the business, funding it and travels all along to see the firm grow. If it is potential equity participation, the venture capitalist can come out of the partnership once the company becomes profitable and take back his money by selling the shares or convertible securities. If the firm opts for a long term investment from the venture capital finance, the financier has to develop an investment attitude for a long term, say five or ten years to allow the company to make large profits. Active Participant in the Operations of the Firm Another form of financing is that the venture capitalist has his hands on management by which he becomes an active participant in the operations of the firm and his thinking is streamlined as to how to multiply and make quick money which is a win-win situation for both sides. Not only finance, the venture capitalist also contributes to marketing, technology upgradation and management skills to the benefit of the new firm. Venture Capitalist- Banker, stock market investor and an entrepreneur in one. The venture capitalist’s management approach is significantly different from that of a banker whose prime concern is collaterals and securities in the form of assets. He keeps his hands off the management and plays safe. The venture capitalist can also not behave like a stock market investor who invests money without having thorough knowledge about the company’s business and management. He combines the qualities...
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