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Crucial Tips for Your Next Interview

Crucial Tips for Your Next Interview
A job interview can be viewed as a mutual “exchange of information” because it provides the candidate with an opportunity to both gain information about the department and position, and to discuss his/her own skills, and career goals in relation to the job. Interviewing helps managers determine three things before they make a hiring decision. 1. Can you do the job? 2. Are you motivated to do the job? 3. Are you a good fit in the organization? Acing yourself is an important part of the interview process. The time you spend gearing up before the interview will be time well spent in your job search process. The following are some tip-offs on what you can do to prepare yourself before, during, and after a job interview.   Before the Interview Assess the Job Specification and Position Description Review your résumé and be prepared to discuss your appropriate skills. Decide who your references are. A current or past manager, coworker, teacher/professor or associate may come in handy to vouch for your skills/accomplishments. Be ready with extra copies of your résumé Dress for Success -Appearance should display maturity and self-confidence. Be neat, clean, and dress in good taste. Find out where the interview will be, obtain clear directions, and confirm the time. Plan to arrive 10- 15 minutes early.  During the Interview  Relax! Think of the interview as a conversation, not a cross-examination Be whole-hearted, self-assured, polite, and open. Listen to the questions carefully and give clear, crisp, and precise answers. Convey interest in the organization and knowledge of the position. Ask relevant questions about the job or department. Present a list of your references and any letters of recommendation or reference that you may have to offer. End the interview with a firm handshake and thank the interview panel for their time and consideration.  After the Interview  Send a crisp thank-you letter within 24 to 48 hours of the interview. Reiterate your interest in the position; mention the key skills you know that strengthen your place in the organization, and your contact information. If you are not chosen for the job, it is OK to graciously accept your defeat and ask the interviewer which area(s) you could improve on in the future!...
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