Posted by Managementguru in Business Management, Change management, Human Resource, Organisational behaviour, Principles of Management
on Mar 20th, 2014 | 0 comments
Organizational Discipline – A Way of Life Organizational Discipline: Discipline is the force that prompts individuals or groups to observe rules, regulations, standards and procedures deemed necessary for an organization. Discipline is one word that instills fear in the minds of individuals. The very word sounds autocratic when uttered by your boss and creates a feeling that you are being forcibly controlled. If you do not live up to the expectations of the management, definitely you are going to get listed for disciplinary action. Why is that discipline always gets enforced to gain obedience?Why people get intimidated when subjected to disciplinary action?Why streamlining your behavior becomes so difficult some times? Have you ever given a thought on how we always try to put the blame on management for being a father figure? We have to see things from a broader perspective. When you work for somebody, it is their prerogative to develop some rules and standardize some norms which they think is suitable for the mode of operations. Policies and procedures are formulated for the effective functioning of the organization. It is your responsibility to make them satisfied with your conduct to gain trust and confidence. Organizations are real time schools where you can learn a lot about proper social behavior and develop high standards of discipline. Learning Induces Change in Behavior Learning, an ongoing process is a wonderful experience and individuals must use the opportunity to fit themselves well in the human network when they work for big corporates. The objective of discipline is “orderly behavior”. How many of you maintain a cordial relationship with your peers in the organization?Are you sure they are not talking behind your back for some unpleasant quality of yours?Are you alienating yourself from the rest of the group? Self appraisal is the best way to rank yourself against various critical factors of interpersonal relationship with your team members. Things which we have to consider that might be the causes for indiscipline and misconduct stems from psychological, social and personality oriented factors. Absenteeism Pic Source: Dominion Systems Absenteeism is one thing that no superior can withstand as it directly affects the productivity and vitality of the company. The reasons if presented are weird, he becomes more agitated. Dishonesty is not a thing to be tolerated by the management. Insubordination also causes clashes between the executives and the employees as their “egos are battered.” Carrot and Stick Policy Considering from the employees’ point of view, the carrot and stick policy of the management alone do not make them committed to the firm. Challenging tasks, sense of participation, favorable work climate etc. makes them more responsible and faithful. Immediate rewards and recognitions are more appealing than deferred benefits like pension or gratuity. The emotional aspects of the employees must not be handled in a conservative but in a flexible manner by the management. This will create a feeling of trust and openness between the two. Democracy Hard and fast rules may not solve the purpose when there is no room for any humanism or democracy. This might even be the cause for employees to work against the interests of the company. This leads to disciplinary actions which prove hectic to both the parties. The management on its part has to definitely shed its autocratic attitude and adapt to more participative style of leadership. Personnel department has to play their administrative role in acting as a link factor between the employees and their superiors. Although managers exercise the authority of punishment, it is the HR department’s duty to develop proper procedures of administration of discipline and assist the management in conducting enquiries and solicit the cooperation...
Posted by Managementguru in Human Resource, Motivation, Organisational behaviour, Principles of Management, Stress Management, Training & Development
on Mar 19th, 2014 | 0 comments
Did you know that without your knowledge, your health might be deteriorating due to pressure at work. Effective stress management is the only way out to become happier, healthier, and more productive. Whatever we do or say has a direct effect on our physiological processes as it affects our psyche-both positive and negative. While positive vibes act as a booster to our health, enhances the morale causing increased productivity which is “THE CONTRIBUTION FACTOR” in corporate organisations, negative vibes causes distress to the party affected and in-turn the organisation. Though in a small way, which is enough to cause great distress waves amonsgt the entire organisation through grapevine. Morale Surveys Therefore, it becomes necessary that every organisation takes some time to understand and analyse the mind-set of their employees to maintain the entire health of their firm. This can be done through surveys or questionnaires which serve as best platforms that shoulder employees’ opinion. On the side of the individual, he also should spare some time, from time-to-time to analyse his attitude towards the organisation and his/her colleagues and how it affects his/her performance. Management scholars say that “SELF-APPRAISAL” is the best tool for enhanced organisational performance and productivity. What is Stress? It is very important to understand what stress is, to combat it. Stress is nothing but a condition where people get excited emotionally or in other words ” a disturbed mental state” affecting the well-being. The causal agents may be physiological which can be medically treated or emotional which we are more worried about as emotionally unstable individuals cannot think properly which again leads to physical distress. It becomes therefore vital to know how we perceive and interpret things through our cognitive skills, again influenced by environmental factors to a considerable extent. People, particularly working in corporate environment and IT industry are subjected to much stress and they don’t know how to find a vent to their feelings or when there is no adequate support from the family side. What are the Ways Out? So, what is it we do at times like these? Not to bother. The mantra is “RELAX” to the maximum possible extent. First thing extract yourself away from the scene of action so that you could breathe some fresh air. Then think calmly and try to isolate the bug that is bothering you. Here the problem is the bug and analyse how far you have become vulnerable to the situation. Gauge the amount of damage done and rate the problem in terms of ” recoverable by myself- no help needed”, ” recoverable- but with external support”. Remember, for every problem there is a solution. It may not be tailor- made, but definitely passable with little bit of compromise from our end if necessary. 10 Yoga Poses You Should Do Everyday to Combat...
Posted by Managementguru in Business Management, Organisational behaviour, Principles of Management
on Mar 7th, 2014 | 0 comments
Reinforcers and Behaviour Changes Reinforcers induce and enhance the association between the cue and the expectancy. This leads to increased performance levels and positive attitude development. This is an effective and efficient strategy that has been proved to be successful. Reinforcement is inevitable for learning process and in a dynamic corporate business environment, unlearning the old things and learning and adapting oneself to satisfy the needs of the changing environmental and economic factors is the critical success factor that serves as the backbone of the success of the company. Significance of Learning: Learning is not the only attribute that gets enhanced by reinforcers; as a result there is a repetition of desirable behavior that helps in maintaining the consistency, cordiality and climate of the organization. Reinforces increase the strength of response leading to desirable or undesirable consequences depending upon the kind of reinforcer, which might be a reward or a punishment. Either way it elicits response that gets strengthened in course of time. Mindset of People: The management side that is the deciding authority has to come to clear terms with the kind of treatment applicable on specific situations; say for instance when there is a need to complete a project in the stipulated time or achieve quantifiable targets which may prove very challenging or increase the production capacity in order to retain a major market share. Whatever be the case, the morale of the workers down the line, executives who coordinate the process, the managers who manage and report has to be maintained in the highest order. The mind set of the people working for you is very important as it encompasses the quality of work done, commitment to duty and determination to reach the target on time. Rewards: Rewards always make people happy and are found to be positively reinforcing. If you feel that monetary rewards are always a better stimulus, you are wrong. Money is always considered to be a reward; to consider it as a reinforcer cannot be neglected but at the same time it definitely is not a positive reinforcer.Feedback on performance is rated high on the reinforcer scale which takes you to the next level as a performer. Modern organizations have understood the system’s anomaly that gives undue importance to the huge amount of data that speaks volumes about people and their merits and achievements. Is it really enough to know things about people? People expect feedback about their performance and people with some degree of achievement definitely have an intense desire to know how they are doing? The more specific your feedback is, better the impact and greater the delay between the performance and feedback, the less the effect. Work Environment: The work environment itself can serve as a very good positive reinforcer provided there is freedom of expression, liberty to participate and an open door policy adopted by the managers and superiors. The top level management must take utmost care to design the reward system in such a way that it warrants fairness and equity. Employees are motivated to go for self appraisals with goal setting that is the biggest reinforcer of all times. Recognition: Recognition, rewards and praise tend to boost the ego of individuals which you can work it up to your advantage. Punishment is one of the most used and convenient but least understood and badly administered aspect of learning and reinforcing. Punishment equally alters the behavior of your subordinates which becomes more complex in course of time. Positively dealing with your subordinates by giving them one more chance, of course with a warning might serve the purpose. If punishments modify the behavior...