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Ideal Team Development

Ideal Team Development
Ideal Team Development How to effect ideal team development? As the saying goes, there is no ‘I’ in TEAM WORK. Every organization should understand the importance and highlight the need for TEAM DEVELOPMENT amongst their employees. In a small group there are chances for the ‘WE’ feeling to predominate for obvious reasons. In case of larger groups as seen in big corporate, individual interaction becomes complex and gives rise to conflicts which hold back the progress.     The “I” Factor: Even philosophers don’t support or advocate the “I” FACTOR in individuals. It is purely a result of SUPER EGO as Sigmund Freud has put it rightly. Man is a MYRIAD OF EMOTIONS and his mind always picks up wrong cues and signals perfectly. So, TRAINING plays a major part in tuning the individual’s mind or shall I say, SYNCHRONISING his understanding with that of the organisation’s.   Try to clearly explain during the induction as to: What is the ultimate goal of your organization in terms of productivity? What is expected of each individual in his own capacity? What is the culture of the organization? What is the leader of the organization like? How do you interact with your team mates? Code of conduct and disciplinary procedures What is his role regarding the team’s development?   Picture Courtesy: Popyourcareer.com   Self Awareness: Self awareness is the key factor for the growth of any individual.A mind that is PHILOSOPHICALLY BENT would prove prosperity to the team as well as the organization. Western countries have realized the importance of keeping the mind cool which can be well achieved through MEDITATION AND YOGA. Sensitivity training is of paramount importance to any organization as an intervention for achieving the overall goals of the organization.   Inter Personal Human Behavior: Effective human interactions are the backbone of efficient organizations and this is not possible unless the interpersonal human behavior is CONTROLLABLE AND OPEN TO DISCUSSION. There should always be SCOPE for improvement and SPACE to express one’s feelings and offer ideas, i.e., sense of participation must be groomed. Team leaders and Managers are to be suitably trained to steer their ship and also rewards are welcome to motivate the crew. Why don’t leaders experiment with new behavior of effective leadership casting away conservative methods and also design flexible norms? It will constitute for a well behaved group and paves way for your organization to be UNIQUE. While organizing a group, a manager should carry out the process with a humane perspective taking into account, the human values, vision, creative thinking and better means of motivation. These factors align and bind the organization together paving way for holistic thinking and collaborative...
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Synergy in Management Synergy: The interaction of two or more agents or forces so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effects. Synergy is the latest BUZZ WORD in the corporate business world. Synergy is the sum total of individual resources that which creates an enhanced effect greater than that of the sum total. Shall I simply say “1+1>2”! It is really amazing how much you can accomplish when it doesn’t matter who gets the credit. Teamwork divides the task and doubles the success. Unity is Strength: Synergy unites the people of an organization as a team and it serves like “BLINKERS FOR HORSES” to reach the goal of the firm without any conflicts amongst the team members. It is a managerial science and the role of top management in synergizing the employees plays a vital role in the success of the organization. As the old saying goes “Unity is Strength” and the new world aspires “Sky is the Limit”. By integrating the team members, having a smooth relationship with labor unions and management staff, a firm can achieve its overall objectives and mission in a very short span of time. Cordial Industrial Relation paves the way for the functioning of the firm without a hitch. Developing Systems for all core areas: The top management has to create “SYSTEMS” for all the core areas; Policies, procedures, rules and regulations, norms etc.,shall serve the common purpose of controlling and guiding all the employees of a firm creating a perfect ambience for efficient performance. The general managers should be the pillars of a firm who shoulder the responsibility of implementing these systems in an objective manner and not in a subjective manner. Scope: Synergy also has its scope outside the organization. The managers should be able to connect themselves with customers, banks, trade associations and also the government with ease. The weather of your firm depends on the psychology of your persona and the collective efforts of your team. If you want your firm to be SUCCESSFUL and UNIQUE, you have to POOL ALL YOUR RESOURCES, be it human, physical, financial or intangible. The competitiveness enjoyed by your firm to capture and win the market marks your strength; the limitations or restrictions that mar the growth of your firm can be overcome by the SYNERGISTIC BOOSTER that you administer into the minds of your employees. Integration is the key word that leads to DISTINCTIVE COMPETENCE, a strength that cannot be copied by other organizations which helps you to make your organization more productive and...
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Functions of a Leader

Functions of a Leader
One of the key concepts of leadership is that everyone has innate leadership skills that can be ‘polished’ and developed. In excellent organizations, everyone, regardless of title or position, is encouraged to act like a leader. One of the principles of effective leadership is “to make sure that other people will be willing to follow you. Unfortunately, management education doesn’t place enough emphasis on leadership skills.” The functions of a leader can be defined as follows: 1. Taking the initiative – A leader initiates all actions necessary for the purpose of warranting the health and growth of the enterprise in a competitive economy. 2. He identifies group goals 3. He represents the organization 4. He acts as an arbitrator 5. To assign reasons for his actions 6. To interpret the objectives of organization 7. To guide and direct the organization 8. To encourage team work 9. He manages the organization Top 50 Quotes That Show the Road to Success This exemplary leadership model by kouzes and posner will give you a fair idea on how a leader should set behavioral and performance standards in an organization. Leadership Styles Every leader has his own style that can be defined as a leader‘s behavior towards group members. It refers to the pattern of behavior which a leader embraces in influencing the behavior of his subordinates in the organizational context. Different leadership styles can be categorized as follows. 1. Autocratic Leadership Autocratic leadership is also known as authoritarian, directive, leader centered or monothetic style. Under this style, leader concentrates all authority in himself, instructs a subordinate as to what to do, how to do it, when to do it etc. He also exercises close supervision and control over his subordinates. There are three categories of autocratic leaders a. Strict Autocrat – A strict autocrat believes on negative authority and gives orders which the subordinates must accept. He may also use his powers to disperse rewards to his group. b. Benevolent Autocrat – The benevolent style aids in accomplishing high productivity in many situations and he can develop effective human relationship. His motivational style is usually positive. c. Manipulative Autocrat – A manipulative autocrat leader is one who makes the subordinates feel that they are participating in decision making process even though he has already taken the decisions. 2. Participative Leadership This style is also called as democratic, consultative, group centered or ideographic style. A participative leader is one who consults and welcomes his subordinates to participate in decision making process. Under this style, subordinates are freely allowed to communicate with the leader and also with their fellow subordinates and take their own initiative. 3. Laissez Faire or Free-rein Leadership Under this style of leadership, the leader mostly depends upon the group and its members to establish their own goals and make their own decisions. The leader is passive and assumes the role of just another member in the group. Only very little control is exercised over group members. This style is also known permissive style of leadership. This style is appropriate only in certain situations where the manager can leave a choice to his groups. A leader is supposed to possess these discretionary skills required at different times and during interaction with different people… Qualities of a successful leader The following are the major innate qualities in a successful leader. 1. Physical features like height, weight, health and appearance 2. Intelligence 3. Emotional stability 4. Human relations 5. Empathy 6. Objectivity 7. Motivating skills 8. Technical skills 9. Communicative skills 10. Social...
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