Posted by Managementguru in Business Management, Organisational behaviour, Principles of Management
on Mar 6th, 2014 | 0 comments
Corporate Philosophy of Management CORPORATE PHILOSOPHY OF MANAGEMENT calls for creating a framework of values, beliefs and ethical standards which are considered to be vital for an effective management. They must be embedded in formal and informal philosophical statements which are then communicated to the fraternity of that organization. From a broader perspective, the LEADER has to have a VISION as to where he is heading his company in the next three to four years. Corporate Objectives provide vision as well as direction and map for bold decisions to be taken regarding NEW MARKETS MARKET SHARE PRODUCTS SERVICES etc. , Now the organization is in a position to decide and prioritise the VALUES AND COMPETENCIES it expects from its managers. For example, if the situation favors the business expansion to new markets, say, European or Asian, then an organization has to develop competence in areas like LANGUAGE AND CULTURE, besides marketing and business skills. Different Philosophies of Management: Well, you might have been inspired with JAPANESE PHILOSOPHY OF MANAGEMENT, EASTERN OR WESTERN PHILOSOPHY OF MANAGEMENT t. But what is the fun? If you don’t have A SOUND MANAGEMENT PHILOSOPHY of your own, to simply put it, you don’t have a broad set of principles to back up your management development process which is a generic one. Ideally speaking, you should be able to develop a concrete SYSTEM that is made up of FOOL PROOF policies and procedures; try to develop a professional team of executives who can take up your vision to the next level; these measures will prove worthwhile in the long run. You are left without any choice but to develop “truly” INTERNATIONAL MANAGERS who could transcend nationally and the location of any specific job consideration. This is what Ideal management philosophy means to me, A holistic vision of the future A solid set of principles(values, beliefs) Sound policy definition Management development programmes Autonomy to my work force Always “yes “to new technology Development of women managers Flexible leadership Social responsibility Contribution to the growth of my Country’s economy Strategic Perspective: Major environmental shifts now demand a more strategic perspective from those who manage and lead in organizations; “GLOBALISING” in the quest for major market share brings in new opportunities for growth and prosperity. Organizations are now espousing values that regard people, not as costs to be minimized, but AS “ASSETS TO BE MAINTAINED AND DEVELOPED.” An open systems approach of management is likely to overcome many of the problems created by the piecemeal approach. Instead of looking at management development in isolation, see it as an integral part of a wider organizational system that takes care of the processes through which people working for the firm take care of themselves leading to self...
Posted by Managementguru in Business Management, Principles of Management, Training & Development
on Mar 2nd, 2014 | 0 comments
MAN POWER PLANNING What is the meaning of man power development? This involves an accurate determination of the present and future man power needs of the enterprise. Also the assessment of the right kind of organization structure both present and projected which determines the number and kinds of managers and workers required, is called for. ELEMENTS OF MAN POWER PLANNING: 1. Present Man Power Position Analysis: An assessment and evaluation of present man power position is the first step in the process which involves data collection pertaining to name, age, educational qualification, training experience, specialized skills of the employees. This is done with the help of a man power inventory chart. 2. Man Power Inventory Chart: a) An overview of the present staffing situation of the company is known b) Prospective persons for promotion can be identified c) Future internal supply of human resource can be found out d) Lack of performance is pin pointed and either people can be replaced or trained suitably e) People on the verge of retirement are identified and plans are made to recruit suitable people to replace them f) People whose promotion is overdue but not implemented due to internal politics can be identified and justice can be done by the management. Pic Courtesy: SuccessFactors 3. Job Evaluation and Job Analysis: Job evaluation is a process to rate a job in the order of hierarchy and laying down specifications needed to carry out that job. This would high light the following information a) The nature of work done by the work force b) The method employed by them to do it c) The skills, education and training required to do it d) How a particular job is related to other jobs e) What are the physical environmental conditions to accomplish the task effectively After careful analysis a neat job description can be prepared for each job which would cover the following details. 4. Job Description: a) Name or title of the job b) Nature of duties and operations to be performed c) Authority, responsibilities and accountability d) Necessary qualification i.e., education, skills, training, experience etc. Pic Courtesy: Indiamart 5. Assessment of Long term and Short term Goals: The goals whether short term or long term is decided by the market demand, and sales forecasts. Determining these goals gives the company a clear picture as to where it is headed for in the future and the kind of man power requirement to satisfy the enterprise objectives. 6. Demand of Supply of Personnel: The demand for Labor is very high as we all know and it is inevitable for the organization to keep track in terms of man power inventory and requirement of present and future. You cannot hire any X, Y OR Z for a particular job. Inter departmental transfers can provide a temporary solution if a void is created for a specific position but it will not work out in the long run. “The ultimate objective of man power planning is to fill the demand and supply...
Posted by Managementguru in Human Resource, Principles of Management
on Feb 28th, 2014 | 0 comments
Conflict Management What is a conflict? An organization is a network consisting of human element as the major functional source and as such is prone to weaker vulnerable aspects of human psychology. Conflict is, of course, one such weak point. The diverse functional groups in the organization get into conflicts while setting up objectives and goals; in prioritizing and weighing the objectives, the methods of their achievement and their evaluation. Though there are numerous kinds of conflicts, this is the major one affecting the functioning of the firm. Certain examples of conflicts: The objective of a project manager to construct a building might go against the objective of minimizing the project cost. For work force, their personal goals come before the organizational goals. The objective of the production department to increase productivity may go against the objective of maintaining the product quality The objectives of the marketing department to increase the sales through promotions may not be welcome by the finance department whose objective will be to cut the cost’ Reasons for conflicts: 1. Lack of clarity as to the scope and relevance of functions in achieving the corporate objectives. 2. Clash between line and staff authorities. 3. Ignorance or lack of knowledge needed for decision making in the part of chief executives 4. Different sets of beliefs and views, along with one’s personal interest and ego. 5. Different kinds of attitudes of members of the organization 6. Absence of clarity in organizational policy, procedures, rules and guidelines. The Results of Conflict: The most affected element in a group conflict is “Employee Morale.” Conflicts undermine professionalism and lead to under utilization of organizational capacity. Loss of Importance: A particular group of employees feel that their importance is being undermined. When a manager is being inducted from an outside source, the prospective employees of the firm feel that they have been let down by the management. Frustration: There are certain rules and regulations to be stuck to when issues arise. If the finance department is not consulted regarding issues related to insurance claims, there are chances that the company might lose a good deal. In such cases frustration arises which is not good for the health of the firm. Feeling of Insecurity: This affects severely the morale of an employee. A clerical staff feels insecure if new technological system is introduced in the company where he is a novice. When one’s importance is persistently reduced, he may start feeling redundant. Blocked Personal Growth: Persons who experience reduced importance may apprehend a situation where they don’t expect much by way of personal growth through increments and...
Posted by Managementguru in Organisational behaviour, Principles of Management
on Feb 22nd, 2014 | 0 comments
Organizational change is concerned with making things different and change agent is a person or group of persons who act as catalysts to bring about change. Say, managers and outside expert consultants can be called as change agents. What is Organizational Change? This is how you have to Strategise in order to Win Organizational development refers to the overall development of an organization in terms of improving the ability of that organization in tandem with the needs of the external environment and involves a system oriented approach to change. Recommended: Resourceful Guide on Organizational Development from Maryville University titled ” Organizational Development Guide: Definition, Process & Development Models “ Organizational change: All the elements of a social system like people, formal organization, informal organization, operational environment, communication, decision making and patterns of co-operation are bound to change when there is change in the external environment but this gives rise to a positive pressure which acts like a self-correcting mechanism to modify and set right the bottle-necks or loop-holes in the working system. Causes For Change Work force: The increasing awareness and educational qualification among the workforce is responsible for the attitude change. You can expect loyalty from workers above fifty but not workers who fall under the age category thirty. This is because their loyalty is oriented towards their career and not to the employer. Technology change: Internet, telecommunication systems, computers, robotics, flexible manufacturing operations have created a great impact on the working style of firms and necessitated the work force to be tech-savvy in order to survive in the job market. Economic, social, political, and physical environmental changes: Economic– Business cycles, inflation, recession, stock market crashSocial– Changing life styles and preferences of customers is the keyPhysical– Consumers, suppliers, employees, union, shareholders and the governmentPolitical– Political decisions affecting the market, pressure, legal hassles:- all these affect the working of a firm. Changes in competition: Global economy has brought big players from countries like USA, Japan, Germany and the like to compete in the same market and successful organizational are those who have adapted to competitive environment. When we talk about organizational change, we emphasize on “PLANNED CHANGE OR DELIBERATE CHANGE” in order to suit ourselves to the changing environment. Otherwise, according to Darwin’s theory of “Survival of the fittest” you will fade away in due course of evolution. This Infographic clearly reveals the fact that “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to...