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Which Digital Channels Deliver the Best ROI

Which Digital Channels Deliver the Best ROI
Which Digital Channels Deliver the Best ROI ? Are you in the process of finalizing your digital marketing strategy for 2019? Are you contemplating on the budget to be invested across digital marketing channels? Then read on… Before you decide which digital marketing channels you should focus on, it is but imperative that you completely understand how each one has performed for the past recent years. Just as you wanted to utilize the channels that will get you the most out of your time, you also want to make sure that you will only be investing in channels that will deliver the maximum  ROI for your money as possible.   Selecting the right combination of channels is crucial for ensuring the success of your overall digital marketing campaign.   Digital signage has the power to improve internal communications and capture customer interest. Enplug digital signage makes it easy to scale your communications with compelling content delivered to screens across the room. The team has created a useful guide – a list of awesome tools that help users create digital signage content and other memorable visuals that could create an impact on any business. 27 Digital Signage Content Creation Tools Disruptive Shift In Digital Strategy – A Study by Ignite Visibility San Diego-based Ignite Visibility recently released a new study which highlights a growing shift in digital marketing. The study surveyed businesses in six revenue brackets – under 1 million, 1 to 5 million, 5 to 10 million, 10 to 20 million, 20 to 50 million and over 50 million – in order to gain insight into how they would be investing in digital marketing over the next two years. Additionally, the study analyzed which digital marketing channels would be most popular. “It’s incredibly important to be forecasting ahead and making sure you have the right digital strategy,” says Ignite Visibility CEO John Lincoln. “ We’re dedicated to bringing best-in-class insights to the industry so marketers can have the most effective strategy in place.”     The findings reveal an overall shift toward online marketing channels across all business categories. They also reveal that many smaller businesses still struggle to effectively measure ROI and conversion rates. Furthermore, social media is by far the hardest channel for businesses to manage. “We’re seeing a large shift from offline to online because digital channels are more trackable and generally produce a higher ROI,” continued Lincoln. In the study, we also say clear divisions in the business size and type of digital marketing channel they liked the most. But overall, social media marketing seemed to be a big pain point for all marketers.” To view the full study visit Ignite Visibility (Digital Marketing Industry Study 2019) 300 Marketers Reveal Disruptive Shift In Digital Strategy Blogging remains as the top content marketing strategy 53% of marketers say blogging is their top content marketing priority. The most successful marketers spend 40% of their total marketing budget on content marketing. The average for all respondents is 26%. Content marketing revenue will exceed $300 billion by 2019. Here are some of the biggest challenges when it comes to content and email marketing. Limited internal resources 28%, lack of strategy 28% and lack of content 23%.     Paid Search and Mobile Marketing As of July 2018, 90.46% of people use Google as a search engine. Bing is 3.13% and Yahoo is 2.21%. SEO leads have a 14.6% close rate, while outbound leads (such as direct mail or print advertising) have a 1.7% close rate. 18% of local searches done on mobile devices lead to a sale within a day. In 2017, 48% of 1,200 global digital marketers say on-page SEO is still considered to be the most effective SEO tactic.  ...
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The Best Blog Traffic Building Techniques

The Best Blog Traffic Building Techniques
The Best Blog Traffic Building Techniques Launching a blog might be easy but running it successfully is a tough call and you might want some serious, genuine insights on the inside secrets. Hence this post on “The Best Blog Traffic Building Techniques” which will serve as a kick starter to find your easy way through. 1. Identify Your Target Reader Your task is to find your target reader and then identify the social networks that reader prefers. Content marketing success starts with knowing how to find your target audience. After all, how can you begin creating content before you know who your audience is? Good content marketing takes time. You can’t afford to waste that time with content that isn’t perfectly focused on your target market. You need to find who your people are. But how? It’s true that great content tends to naturally attract an audience. It does not, however, guarantee that it will be the best audience for your brand. That means visitors that are likely to: a. Connect your content to your product. b. Buy your product because of your content. Blogging Like a Professional to Generate Revenue Defining who your real audience is will help you focus not only on creating great content but on creating the right content. It makes it easier to create content that makes you an authority in your industry, rather than creating content for its own sake. Before you can create content that resonates, it helps to know your intended audience (as well as who they are not). An audience definition should ideally connect these three things: 1. Your product or service 2. Your main audience demographic 3. Your content’s mission 2. Determine The Traffic Potential Of Target Social Networks From my experience, the social media sites that send the most traffic to blogs in general are: 1. Facebook 2. Twitter 3. Google+ 4. Pinterest 5. LinkedIn The results vary depending on your target reader. If your blog post is more oriented around professional readers and business you might have more potential traffic from LinkedIn and Google+. If your target reader is more visual it might make more sense to focus exclusively on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram. Once you start getting traffic from social networks you’ll be able to evaluate the traffic to determine if your target reader is visiting your blog. In your analytics, watch bounce rates on your posts. Segment out traffic from social media networks. You’ll be able to determine if traffic from certain networks provide better traffic than others. 3. Ways Of Driving Country-Specific Traffic Top level domain extensions like .com and .org usually rank higher on global search engines, but in order to have your blog or website target a specific country, buying a country-specific domain is always a good idea. You may notice that most Aussie bloggers are using the .au domain extension, and they rank pretty high in Australian Google. Similarly for India, you can target .in or .co.in as your domain extensions with good results in India. For traffic from the U.K. (United Kingdom), grab a .co.uk domain extension for the best results. 4. Google Webmaster Tool Geo-Targeting Google Webmaster Tool, a free tool from Google for bloggers and webmasters, will be very helpful to a blogger or webmaster seeking country-specific traffic. This tool allows you to set which country your website is targeted to, which helps you get traffic from that targeted country. Log in and verify your website in the Google Webmaster Tool, and under Configurations > Settings you can specify which country you wish to target. 5. Curate Top Posts in a SlideShare Video LinkedIn uses a short Slideshare...
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Video on Talent Acquisition and Compensation

Video on Talent Acquisition and Compensation
Talent Acquisition and Compensation Benefits A lecture on Talent Acquisition and Compensation by Dr. Armin Trost   Human Resource Management Lecture – Talent Acquisition What does the traditional approach in recruiting look like? How is a company able to position and present itself as an attractive place to work through building an employer brand? Which active search strategies help companies to find and approach passive candidates? How can companies retain promising and talented candidates? You Don’t Create Your Employment Brand, Your Candidates And Employees Do” – @ChiHeadhunter Talent hits a target no one else can hit; genius hits a target no one else can see. – Arthur Schopenhauer The following video lecture by Dr. Armin Trost clearly indicates his knowledge and experience on the subject. Visit this link to know more about this HR Expert- Armin Trost Human Resource Management Lecture – Candidate Selection During a company’s recruiting process how are the most suitable candidates selected and which risks need to be controlled? How can a company determine a candidate’s future performance? Which selection criteria are typically used? What are the most commonly used selection methods? Whenever you are asked if you can do a job, tell ‘em: ‘Certainly I can!’ Then get busy and find out how to do it. – Theodore Roosevelt Find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for doing it. – Katherine Whitehorn   Human Resource Management Lecture – Compensation and Benefits What is equity? Which components make up total reward and based on which factors are these components determined? How does fixed and variable pay work in practice? What are benefits and why are they there? Under which conditions does money impact motivation for performance? Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value. – Albert Einstein The mind is everything. What you think you become.   – Buddha   Related Videos:  HRM Video 1 HRM Video...
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