Starting a new job can be one of the most memorable life experiences, but it can also be stressful. You’ll need to know how to act, what to wear, and figure out the many intricacies of the new company so you can fit in. Many people remember their first day of a new job because of the pressure they feel. Luckily, you can reduce this anxiety by planning your first day as best you can and learning how to communicate with your new bosses and coworkers. Here are tips for your first day on the new job.
The onboarding process will allow you to ask as many questions as necessary so you can feel confident in your new position. If you don’t ask the questions you need to ask on your first day, you might be setting yourself up to fail. Everyone expects questions for the first few weeks to months after you’ve been hired because everything will be new to you.
However, many people might not expect as many questions when you’re in your sixth month of employment. Instead of waiting to ask questions, make sure you ask the right person the questions you need to be answered so you can have a successful first day and set yourself up for a successful career within the company.
You can also prepare questions beforehand that will demonstrate your desire to learn about the company. For example, you can ask questions such as what goals the company has and how you can help them achieve them. Be prepared to have many questions pop into your head, such as where to find the bathroom, so you can immediately get all of the basic answers you need.
Your new coworkers are going to be curious about you and ask you questions about yourself. It’s best to prepare what to say. Prepare an elevator pitch about yourself so you can describe who you are, where you were working before, and your expertise. Your pitch should only be 30-seconds long. Remember, your coworkers are curious about you, but they still have jobs to do, so it’s best not to take up too much of their time.
Ensure you’re not late for your first day because that can put a target on your back and make your managers feel like you already don’t care about your job. Try planning your route the night before so you can arrive 15 minutes early. You can even practice the commute so you know how much time you’ll need during the morning rush hour.
Once you arrive at work, consider staying in your car or going to a cafe so you don’t walk into the building early. While it’s always a good thing to look eager to your new bosses, you shouldn’t appear as someone who will always show up early, especially since you’ll still be expected to stay throughout the entire day and until working hours are over.
If you want to succeed in a new position, you’ll need to frequently deal with people, which means learning how to successfully socialize, solve problems, and effectively communicate. Getting along with your coworkers can make going to work much easier, but associating with the right coworkers can help you grow within the company. After all, you never know which of your coworkers will be promoted to being your boss or have the ability to promote you to upper management so you can get a promotion yourself.
While going to your first day of a new job can be nerve-racking, remember you were hired for a reason. You beat out the entire competition for the position, thanks to your ability to communicate and the experience listed on your resume. You should have faith in your professional skills to communicate and do the job you’ve been hired to do.
Staying calm also helps enhance your productivity on day one so your managers can see how effective you are at getting things done.
Every office and business has its dress code for employees, so you’ll need to look the part so you don’t stick out on your first day. Once you get the phone call or email about your start date, you should ask the hiring manager what the dress code is so you can properly dress. Not only will this allow you to have a more successful first day, but it will show the hiring manager you care about the job and want to follow the company rules.
It’s easy to sit at a desk and stay quiet all day on your first day, especially because introducing yourself to new people can be difficult while you’re dealing with all of the first day jitters. However, you should introduce yourself to as many people as possible. Your coworkers are your peers, and you’ll be working together every day, so it’s best to be friendly and let them know who you are and what you do.
Lunch can be awkward on your first day, so many people choose to eat at their desk or skip it altogether. If there is a break room where everyone eats lunch, make sure you go to it so you can start meeting your coworkers and letting them learn more about you. This will also make you appear as a team player, so they’ll be more likely to include you on important projects.
Being observant on your first day can help you learn a lot about the company and your coworkers. By listening to everything that’s going on around you, you can start to learn about the inner workings of the company and the type of people that are around you. Not only that, but you can easily spot red flags and people you may want to distance yourself from at the company.
Listening also allows you to hear about what your boss expects from employees, what the company goals are, and which projects should be on your radar.
Your first day at a new job will likely be one of the most important, allowing you to make a great first impression and allowing you to learn more about your role within the company. Your goal on the first day should be to meet as many people as you can and start to get an idea about what projects you’ll need to focus on going forward.
Matt Casadona has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, with a concentration in Marketing and a minor in Psychology. Matt is passionate about marketing and business strategy and enjoys San Diego life, traveling, and music.