The interview is a conversation with a purpose. There are three purposes.
1. Obtaining information– Collecting relevant data about the candidate’s background, training, education, experience and interests.
2. Giving information– Apprising the interviewee with the present position of the company, the future plans, specific job and the personnel.
3. Motivation– Instigating the candidate to join the company
Interviews prove as a better means to measure the ability and traits of a personality rather than through written tests or other techniques.
It is easy to determine how a person reacts in a conversation and whether he is good looking (here it means if he/ she is presentable, looks are equally important).
A skilled interviewer can easily determine the personality traits such as loyalty and responsibility that can be expected from the candidate during this personal meeting.
· Stereo typing
· Halo Effect
· Personal bias
A. Patterned Interview: This was developed by Mc. Murry. Senior recruitment, promotion and appraisal interviews fall under this category. This patterned interview contains no questions related to ‘job skills’. Basically it is conducted to appraise personality, motivation and interests.
Reference checks and academic records determine knowledge and job competencies. The following personality traits could be measured through patterned interview according to Mc. Murry:
i. Stability
ii. Ability to get along with others
iii. Self-reliance
iv. Willingness to accept responsibility
v. Freedom from emotional immaturity
vi. Motivation
B. Directive Style: This type of interview is appropriate when the interviewer seeks factual information only where the interviewee is not given much freedom of expression and so becomes defensive. There are also chances that the relationship between the interviewer and the interviewee might be impaired.
C. Non-Directive Style: This requires more time, and suitable for exploring sensitive matters, understanding feelings and attitudes, as in the case of counseling.
D. Stress Interview: This is conducted for jobs requiring emotional balance as the key, and pressure is purposely placed on the applicant. Said to have originally developed in armed forces, rapid fire questioning by many seemingly unfriendly interviewers is the main mode. Sales positions where resistance to stress is important and top level positions where there is pressure of proving oneself are worthy of this technique.