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Strategy Implementation

 Strategy Implementation

Organizational objectives must be accomplished by strategic planning and thinking that makes your organization unique and also helps to have a competitive edge.

What are the elements that are part of this planning strategy?

  1. Proper allocation of resources
  2. An appropriate organization structure
  3. Efficient human resource personnel
  4. An effective management information system
  5. A feasible budgeting system
  6. A good reward system
  7. Periodic strategy review system

strategy implementation

There are many more aspects that can be attributed to broadly define strategic planning and execution. The success or failure of this exercise is in the hands of managers, who should be adequately prepared for the planning process.

The objectives of the organization must be well defined and clear so that the people in the organization can evolve the necessary plans to accomplish those objectives. The action plans are then formulated based on these initially formed plans. So, the planning premises form the base on which the organization is built. Strategic business units must be identified and nurtured to add value to the organization.

 Why strategic planning becomes a failure in some of the organizations?

  • Lack of proper training in strategic planning, and the key persons are the managers at all levels.
  • Vague goals and objectives don’t make them meaningful and strategic excellence cannot be achieved.
  • Long term goals not subjected to periodic review. If there is fluctuation in the political, economic or social environment, that is detrimental to the industry in which the firm operates, the goals can be reviewed and a revised strategic plan can be devised for the long term health of that organization.
  • Poor budget planning. To enjoy a sustainable competitive advantage in the market, you need to have a good financial backup to give shape to your plans.

The strategic plans must be supported by specific action plans. It is a pity that in many organizations, there is neither co-ordination nor co-operation between the peers to make the strategic plans successful. Integrating these various functional groups becomes a tough task for the management.

four steps of strategic management

Simple but effective measures:

Above all odds, a company can make things work, if the management is wise enough to follow these

  •  First and foremost thing to be done is to communicate the strategic plans to all the managers who are key decision makers.
  •  The management must make sure that everybody involved in the strategic implementation understand those strategies.
  •  Well devised action plans that contribute to the accomplishment of the firm’s objectives must be laid down.
  •  A well defined span of management that makes communication flow easy and simple.
  •  Revising the strategies in lieu of the contingencies.
  •  A conducive organizational climate that is devoid of conflicts and pressure
  •  Involvement of top management to ensure success.

Thinking Out of the Box:

You need “thinking managers“, to make your organization grow. The modern business management lays great emphasis on “getting people together” to accomplish the goals and objectives. How do you get people to work together? They should have a common business ideology that binds them to work for the upliftment of the organization.

Although top level management cadre is responsible for formulating strategic plans, organizations must understand that the idea also reaches the lower level management in the right sense. That facilitates smooth execution delivering the expected result.

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