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How to Create the Perfect SEO Content

How to Create the Perfect SEO Content
How to Create the Perfect SEO Content? Write the content for the readers and not for keywords: Write your content for the readers based on the topic and related keywords you have researched meticulously and elaborate the topic. Add variations, synonyms and connected words throughout the content to make it more natural and at the same time SEO friendly. But it is worth paying to do the keyword research to find the kinds of words people actually use. Optimize your keyword: See to it that keywords are present in your URL, page title, start of the blog post, within the first 100 words, in your image alt text and in your Meta description. Yoast SEO wordpress plugin suggests all these things by default to guide you through SEO OPTIMIZATION.   Read: Long Tail Keywords Create content 10x better than your competitors: Make the URL shorter: URL’s ranking #1 have only 50 characters on an average Include graphics, animations and videos: Interactive content creates 2x better engagement than static content. Create a better title which affects page ranking to a greater extent Make it simpler to read: The average Flesch readability score was 76.59, easily understood by 13 to 15 year old students Page rankings #1 had 15.8px font size on an average Make it faster: Don’t include lot of scripts and iframes in the homepage which might slow down the loading time Make it more visual: The average article ranking #1 has 9 images Make it more structured: Users want their answers fast as well as in a precise manner, say, in a bulleted list form 78% of the time Try to source professional photos or make your own infographic. Canva is the best site for beginners and pro’s to beautifully create designs at their own will Articles having images every 75 to 100 words get the most shares Floating share buttons increase the blog traffic by 27% Make it more linkable and shareable: Include relevant outbound links and lot of internal links; internal links make the readers stay in your website longer and relevant outbound links increase the authenticity of your blog/website Make it longer and resourceful that will help to increase the page ranking. Write well researched, planned and supported content for your audience How to format your content? Break your content into small sentences and paragraphs and make use of headings and sub-headings (H2, H3 etc.) Include quotes and tweetables to make the read more interesting and shareable. Sometimes your audience wants something shorter – or even different like podcasts and videos. Write your content for people first. But also remember you need to optimize for keywords too to get traffic from Google. How do you find a way out with content marketing? Set Objectives: Be clear about what you or your company wants to accomplish through content marketing. What are the objectives you have in mind to be realized through content strategies Define Your Audience: What would your audience want to read, attend, see or listen to and where are they? Create a content plan: Creating and scheduling a content calendar is very important to make your presence felt amongst your audience. Consistency is the key when it comes to beating your competitors. Be Tactical: Take care of your SEO, SOCIAL REACH AND PUBLIC RELATIONS to have a better reach Test and Analyze: Measure your response by tracking and reviewing your analytics and then refine your content based on the...
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25 Awesome Insights for Effective Content Marketing

25 Awesome Insights for Effective Content Marketing
1. At the very core, content marketing is getting the attention of your targeted audience without the intention of outright selling. 2. Producing content when you have a big budget is easy. Producing the right content for your audience on any budget is the tough part. 3. 70% of B2B marketers are creating more content than they were a year ago and 54% find producing engaging content to be a challenge. 4. Creating engaging content remains a persistent challenge. Producing content consistently and measuring content effectiveness are the number two and number three challenges, respectively. 5. Content marketing has the capacity to resonate more powerfully with your customers because it’s carefully tailored to their needs and interests. Top 80 Content Marketing Influencers available for download here Guide To Content Creation Infographic from Moz.com 6. 94% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn to distribute content, making it the social media platform used most often (they also say it’s the most effective social media platform). 7. Content personalization will gain importance as it increasingly becomes the only way to cut through the noise of digital marketing. 8. While some rely on vanity metrics such as page views and social shares to answer this question, it is important to dig deeper and take a look at how content is impacting marketing and sales pipeline. 9. More and more brands are recognising the impact of content marketing, so those who choose to ignore it will increasingly fall behind. 10. Delivering pitch perfect content to a receptive audience means serving up ice-cool information in a way that makes it easy to swallow. Get your measures wrong and the mix is a disaster.   Does Google Penalize Duplicate Content? An Insightful Article by by Anna Kucirkova    9 Tips For Building A Killer Content Marketing Strategy Infographic from Twelveskip.com 11. You need to be aware of the end goals of your content. 60% content created goes unused in firms, so remember, that sometimes less is more. It is more important to know what works for you and your business. Document your strategy and measure constantly. 12. Guerilla content marketing is content created with almost no budget, simply by repurposing things your organization already produces. 13. If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is there to hear it, does it still make a noise? If you put content out on the internet and no one is reading it, does it really matter? 14. We provide content repeatedly because people live in different time zones and have different social media habits. 15. Content marketers don’t need to be experts at everything. But they should be well-rounded individuals, borrowing qualities from different walks of life.   The 21 New Rules of Content Marketing [INFOGRAPHIC] from Kayakonlinemarketing.com   16. Content marketing helps brands acquire customers by creating and publishing a range of content that is relevant and valuable. 17. Remember that you are writing for people, not just businesses. Mix up the content once in a while to not only attract new leads, but convert, close, and delight them. Writing every day, and writing well, will help increase the success of your content marketing strategy. 18. You need to produce insightful and useful content in a B2C manner, push it through your main channels and apply some inventive lead magnets that will take your visitors right where you want them – on your check-out page. 19. They only way to reach your audience is to focus on content. You need a lot of content and new content to keep the audience captured. 20. You want to be able to control how your Google results appear, not by black-hat SEO techniques but by organic, positive and quality content....
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Is your 2015 resolution to start your own business?

Is your 2015 resolution to start your own business?
Start Your Own Business Questions to ask before starting a business in 2015 While you can’t prepare yourself for every aspect of the entrepreneurial lifestyle, here are six important questions to ask before you quit your day job and dive in: What’s your motivation? How developed is your business savvy? How thick is your skin? Do things need to be perfect? Are you willing to get your hands dirty? What’s your financial situation? The problem is that wanting to be the boss or make lots of money generally aren’t viable reasons for launching a business. A true entrepreneur starts a business in order to improve people’s lives and contribute value to the world. What’s your business idea? Are you solving a common pain point or making someone’s day better? The drive to add value will sustain you when times are tough. A great product idea isn’t always enough to make a great business. Just because you develop something cool doesn’t mean that customers will instantly bang down your door to buy. When you are passionate about what you do, it is hard not to take criticism personally. And yes, it sucks to get a bad press review, rejection from an incubator program or negative feedback from customers. However, bad news and rejection are part of the game, and you can’t afford to dwell on the negative or take anything personally. When you work at a company, you can call someone else when your email isn’t working, you run out of printer ink or you need to set up a customer event. However, in the very early stages of your startup, you will typically need to handle most of these activities yourself, from tech support to sales to IT. Depending on your business type, it can realistically take anywhere from six months to six years to build out your business, gain traction and turn a profit. You need to ask yourself if you have both the patience and financial situation to weather this kind of time frame. NELLIE AKALP Want to be Your Own Boss? If you have always wanted to be your own boss, there has never been a better time to start your own business and make 2015 your most fulfilling year yet. Instead of talking about taking the next step, why not set yourself a timescale and think about some key decisions, spend time developing your idea and see if your business ambitions are truly viable. Before you do anything else, you need to be really honest with yourself and ask: am I truly cut out to start my own venture? You need to be calm, clear-headed and rational. When thinking about starting a business, passion and enthusiasm are essential but you need to think with a business mind at every stage. You have to take a step back and try to be non-emotional when deciding if you’re ready to go it alone. Try and look at it in the same way you would if you were advising someone else. The best advice I can give is to essentially interview yourself. Would you back yourself to lead a company? Make sure you seek as much expert outside advice as possible: it’s no good asking the opinion of a friend or family member if they have no idea about your sector. Seek advice from others in your industry. Businesses that have mentors are far more likely to still be trading after five years than those that don’t. James Caan 18 Ways to Sink Your Startup Successfully building a startup can feel like the sort of thing that requires planets aligning. Screwing up a startup, however, is incredibly simple. Some entrepreneurs...
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