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How To Continually Improve Supply Chain Management

How To Continually Improve Supply Chain Management
If there are blockages in your supply chain, then this will filter down throughout your business. It will end up being passed on to customers and clients. This can be frustrating, but it can also be unprofessional too. Avoiding this situation in the first instance by continually improving the supply chain and management, therefore, must be a high priority. Don’t Go It Alone – Reach Out to Consultants Taking control of a supply chain and making changes may be something that you want to avoid at all costs. If you have little experience and knowledge about how to implement changes and developments, then do not hesitate to reach out to trained and experienced consultants. Experts can help you understand Six Sigma Manufacturing, and they can help you see how it can be applied to the supply chain that exists in your business. Feeling alone when making improvements or changes is not necessary. Strong networks with other business owners and managers will also prove to be advantageous at this key stage. Monitor the Supply Chain at Regular Intervals To get the most efficient supply chain, you are going to have to invest effort and finances into monitoring. Watching what is always happening in the supply chain (and levels) will give you the opportunity to grow and develop. If you are not monitoring the supply chain, then how can you see where change and improvement are needed both now and moving forwards? Be Open to Change The right attitude and approach are important when it comes to management. If you are not open to change and you are not ready for change, then you will find that your supply chain will remain stagnant. Seeing the benefits of change and adopting an approach and mindset that allows for change is therefore crucial. If you are not open to change and you struggle to adopt new ways of thinking and working, you will hinder the management and operations of the supply chain. This reluctance to change can also impact future growth. Implement Streamlined Processes Your supply chain may be working now, but could it be streamlined? If you can streamline one or two of the processes, you could save time (and financial resources). Streamlined processes can help you stay on top of the supply chain and help you manage it with ease. If you are not fully investing in streamlining, then you may be trying to manage an out-of-date supply chain. Streamlined processes may be introduced within several areas, such as data and inventory management. Focus on Being Proactive The supply chain and management within a business are not going to change or improve if you are not focused on being proactive. Being reactive is OK in business, but not when you are looking at how (and where) to make improvements. If you are not proactive with your time and efforts, you may find that you overlook an opportunity. This is going to be a costly mistake that may end up having a knock-on effect on a...
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Top Ten Ecommerce Tips

Top Ten Ecommerce Tips
This list of top ten ecommerce tips will give you a fair idea on how to boost your online sales by tapping the emotional triggers of the consumers. Lead Generation and Conversion What are the Emotional Triggers that Make Customers Click and Buy? “People shop and learn in a whole new way compared to just a few years ago, so marketers need to adapt or risk extinction. Brian Halligan CEO, HubSpot. Consumer behavior is a hotbed of psychological research as it ties together issues of communication (advertising and marketing), identity (you are what you buy), social status, decision-making, and mental and physical health. What makes them Click and Buy Online? Have you ever given a thought about why customers leave your site without buying? You’ll be amazed to know the reasons behind all the lost customers for trivial but expensive mistakes from your end. Ok! Shoot…Let us cruise through one by one… There has never been a better time to start an online business. But starting and running a successful online store is hard work with many steps and decisions that need to come together at the right time.  To help, we’ve put together a comprehensive resource list, hand-selected from our best content. This list will show you how you would research, build, launch and grow a profitable ecommerce business. 1. You Must Ask The Customer To Buy Now If you want customers to “buy now,” you should ask them to do so. Buy now is explosively powerful because shoppers are highly prone to making impulse purchases. Once you realize that this is common shopping behavior, you’re ready to ramp up your “buy now” strategy. Marketing researchers have discovered five major factors that cause a customer to “buy now”: 1. An overwhelming attraction to the product. 2. An intense need to buy the product at once. 3. Ignoring negative consequences that may arise from the purchase. 4. A feeling of excitement at buying the product. 5. Conflicting feelings of indulgence and self-control. 2. Use Models People Can Identify With If you’re selling clothing, jewelry, or accessories, one quick way to create a connection to your customer is to show your stuff on people they will identify with and like.  Personal Branding Photoshoot Ideas This doesn’t mean you need to book Russian supermodels; it’s best if they look like your customers. This might mean funky and cool, like So Worth Loving. 3. Social Links People are more likely to purchase something if it’s recommended to them by someone they know and trust.  Grow Your Business with Content Marketing So make sure that your product pages have links to Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Google+ so that your customers can tell their friends about the great product they just found on your site. 4. Drive Sales with Persuasive Video Marketing They are the stores that have created consistently great video content around their products without spending fortunes on production. You too can match the quality of most of these videos using a good camera and a steady tripod, or with a single videographer. If you have a good video marketing strategy, it’s possible that you too can build a seven-figure business based on Youtube marketing. Successful stores have created the videos that people use to consult whether or not they buy their products. Need to figure out how to properly brew coffee? Watch the videos of Transcend Coffee. Need to know how to prune a fruit tree? Check out the videos of GrowOrganic Peaceful Valley. 5. Build A Massive Following On Instagram Used correctly, Instagram can be a highly-targeted, visual advertising channel for your brand. In fact, in a recent study it was discovered that Instagram provides...
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15 Startup Mistakes You Should Avoid

15 Startup Mistakes You Should Avoid
Enjoy this Infographic on a list of “Startup Mistakes to be Avoided.”   Source:  15 Startup Mistakes You Should Avoid #startupmistakes #businessplan #teamdevelopment #hiring #vision #interpersonalrelationship #finance Some Brilliant Tweets on Startups – Quote them or Tweet Them What’s the one mistake all entrepreneurs make? http://t.co/hW41Ne6yWL pic.twitter.com/VjT5qgNyMY — CNN International (@cnni) April 4, 2015 Words of #wisdom for the #determined #entrepreneur planning the next big #startup. #Marketing #quotes for #life pic.twitter.com/pPlUGoMP3E — BreMobile Inc. (@BreMobileInc) April 3, 2015 Sure Steps Lead To Great Destinations via http://t.co/ofQajdrNPD #wisewords #knowyourvalue #startup #quotes #success pic.twitter.com/kXVRFCw16H — SuccessFastlane.com (@SuccessFastlane) April 2, 2015 Your Business Tip Of The Day via http://t.co/ofQajdrNPD #businesstips #wisewords #entrepreneur #quotes #Startup pic.twitter.com/2ktrGg7RCh — SuccessFastlane.com (@SuccessFastlane) April 1, 2015 A Series Of Great #Opportunity @10MillionMiler #quote #leadership #entrepreneur #startup #quotes RT @MeredithBlis pic.twitter.com/hZkjwpeRDE — Wright Thurston (@10MillionMiler) April 3,...
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Does your company have what it takes to be a leader-1

Does your company have what it takes to be a leader-1
What it takes to be a Leader What is #Corporate Social Responsibility? High performance is generally measured against key business imperatives including #competitive advantage, #sales, #talent management, #operational efficiency, #return on investment and profitability. It is no longer adequate for a corporation to revel in economic prosperity in isolation from those agents impacted by its actions. Today, a new element of leadership is making an intense difference in weighing  business performance: Corporate Social Responsibility. The late 1990s and the early 2000s saw an uptake in businesses giving proceeds or providing volunteers to causes related to their brands. Some called it “corporate social responsibility”; others called it “corporate #philanthropy” or “#corporate citizenship.” Regardless of its title, it was a way for business to increase visibility while raising funds for good. The spotlight is on both increasing the firm’s bottom line and being a good corporate citizen. Keeping abreast of global trends and remaining committed to financial obligations to deliver both private and public benefits have compelled organizations to restructure their frameworks, rules, and business models. Where does the roots of CSR lie? Although the #roots of CSR lie in altruistic activities (such as donations, charity, relief work, etc.) of corporations, globally, the concept of CSR has evolved and now embraces all allied concepts such as triple bottom line, corporate citizenship, philanthropy, #strategic philanthropy, #shared value, #corporate sustainability and business responsibility. You might be wondering what is “Triple bottom line?” (abbreviated as TBL or 3BL) – The term coined by John Elkington in 1994,  incorporates the notion of sustainability into business decisions. The TBL is an #accounting framework with three dimensions: social, environmental (or ecological) and financial. “A plethora of research points to a majority of stakeholders agreeing that CSR is a ‘must do’,” and  67% of consumers say they are more likely to buy products and services from a company if they know it supported good causes. Smart Corporations: As a key component in business #strategy and execution, CSR is playing a crucial role in helping organizations to be seen as leaders. Smart corporations are allocating increasing internal resources to CSR investments that include clear objectives and furnish measurable social outcomes. India is a country of multitude contradictions. On the one hand, it has grown to be one of the major economies in the world, and an increasingly important player in the emerging global order, on the other hand, it is still home to the largest number of people living in absolute poverty (even if the proportion of poor people has decreased) and the largest number of malnourished children. This is the sad state of uneven distribution of the benefits of growth which many believe, is the root cause of social unrest. Companies too have been the target of those disconcerted by this lop-sided development and as a result, their contributions to society are under severe scrutiny. Many companies have been astute to sense this development, and have responded proactively while others have done so only when advocated. What it takes to be a Leader-2...
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What is a Ledger Account?

What is a Ledger Account?
Ledger is a register with pages numbered consecutively. Each account is allotted one or more pages in the Ledger. If one page is completed, the account will be continued in the next page. An index of various accounts opened in the Ledger is given at the beginning of the Ledger for the purpose of easy reference. A general ledger is a complete record of financial transactions that holds account information needed to prepare financial statements, and includes accounts for assets, liabilities, owners’ equity, revenues and expenses. What is meant by Posting? Transactions recorded in the Journal and Subsidiary journal are transferred to the concerned accounts in the Ledger in a summarized and classified form. This process is called posting. “Interesting Statistics on Accounting The first book on double-entry accounting was written in 1494 by Italian mathematician and Franciscan friar Luca Bartolomeo de Pacioli. Although double-entry bookkeeping had been around for centuries, Pacioli’s 27-page treatise on the subject has earned him the title “The Father of Modern Accounting. Accounting plays a major role in law enforcement. The FBI counts more than 1,400 accountants among its special agents. The state of New York gave its first certified public accountant (CPA) exam in 1896. Rules for posting: Separate account should be opened in the Ledger for posting transactions relating to separate persons, assets, expenses or losses as shown in the journal. The account concerned which has been debited in the journal should also be debited in the Ledger. However, a reference must be made of the other account which is to be credited in the journal. In other words, in the account to be debited, the name of the other account to be credited is entered in the debit side for giving a meaning to this posting. The debit posting is prefixed by the word ‘To’. Similarly, the account concerned which has been credited in the journal has to be credited in the Ledger, but a reference should be made to the other account which has been debited in the journal. This posting is prefixed by the word ‘By’.   Advantages of keeping a Ledger: Ledger provides information regarding all transactions of a particular account whether it is personal a/c, Real a/c or nominal a/c. The final effect, of a series of transactions of a certain customer or a certain property or a certain expense is known at a glance. Ledger provides immediately the totality of certain dealings. E.g., total purchases, Total sales, total expenditure, on a specified head. What is a Ledger account? Give a Proforma of a Ledger account. A Ledger account is nothing but a summary statement of all transactions relating to a person, asset, expense or income, which have taken place during a given period of time showing their net effect. Proforma of a Ledger account:   What are the methods of balancing the Ledger account? At the end of the each month or year or any specific day it is essential to determine the balance in an account. To do that, add the totals of both sides (Debit and credit sides) and find out the difference in both the sides. The difference in both the sides is ‘Balance’. If the Debit is greater than the credit side, it is a Debit balance or vice-versa. There are two methods: The bigger total is taken first and is written on both sides of the account. On the smaller side, the balance is Witten above the total next to the last entry on that side. This method is more commonly used. In another method, the totals are written on both sides, one side showing smaller amount and the other showing bigger amount. The difference is...
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