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10 Best Ways to Grow Your Instagram Following

10 Best Ways to Grow Your Instagram Following
10 Best Ways to Grow Your Instagram Following 1.Inspirational Quotes: Quotes are evergreen and they have the capability to make a deep impact in the minds of individuals. It is one of the best ways to establish and improve your brand on Instagram. Try to post quotes that reflect the ideology of your product or service with suitable hashtags. Say, you are an entrepreneur and want to give your online course a boost, create quotes that might educate your audience who want to become hard core entrepreneurs and give the link for your online course or book in the BIO. 2. Quick Tips: People always love quick tips rather than a long story when it comes to a visual platform like Instagram. I’d definitely be impressed if a fellow IGmer offers a quick tip visually for my clear understanding. For example, the instagram post given below was widely appreciated because it gives a quick tip on how to manage pinning on Pinterest. When your post is ‘straight to the point’ and with less clutter, people start loving you more. 3. Showcase Your Products: Oh yeah, this is important. How then you expect your customers to get a feel of your product? The picture should speak for itself in that… it must be able to create leads bang on to your landing page. If you wish to take your customers to a different page, then you need to have multiple Instagram id’s. These can be represented by inserting @idname and the specific link can be given in the bio. 4. Follow me on Pinterest/Facebook: If your primary work platform is Facebook or Pinterest, then you can lead your customers to the respective pages by providing respective links in the bio. You have to understand that only one link can be provided in the bio section, so that link has to work in your favor. The info you provide must make believe your audience that they can benefit by following you – in terms of knowledge or info on WORKABLE business ideas. Lot of links talk about money making and please don’t fall for them. 5. Support Others and Tag Them: It is always good to give a little credit to your fellows rather than self bragging which we all do most of the time. When you start tagging the right persons, many good things happen. What is the meaning of shoutout in Instagram? An Instagram shoutout is a screenshot of another user’s profile page uploaded to your account to show support and give exposure to the other user. Shoutouts can increase a user’s followers and provide advertising to small businesses and websites. Try to network with instagrammers who compliment your ideas. People’s psychology is that.. ‘Give back what you get.’ So, they will try to reciprocate and support you by giving a shout out or a good comment. Eventually you’ll end up with a good network or team and plenty of business avenues. 6. Show Your Work Area: Hey, who is not interested to take a sneak peek into others’ secret of success! Transparency helps you to win over hearts and a classic example would be Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s work area capsule which can be seen by one and all. When you share pics of your work space, you tend to increase your credibility. People believe in you more when they see what you exactly do and how you interact with your colleagues in the work space. 7. Promote a Freebie: I love freebies that come unconditionally. Yeah, not the ones that come after lot of email id punching and submission of your life history! Try to give away a great resource, say...
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Why You Should Share Your Blog Post More Than Once

Why You Should Share Your Blog Post More Than Once
Why You Should Share Your Blog Post More Than Once Do you want to know what “Guy Kawasaki”-technique for using Social Media is? It is nothing but Repurposing old content and Re-sharing the same content multiple times. Here, let us look into the benefits of re-sharing your blog post multiple times on your social media channels. The first, and perhaps most obvious, reason to share your content more than once is to drive more traffic to your blog which again facilitate the following: Your message will cut across and reach the right target audience You can build your brand image easily Improved Sales If you are pretty serious about your content, then you also need to be serious about driving as much traffic to it as possible. “You need to share content repeatedly because people live in different time zones and have different social media habits.” Think about this: You publish a post on day 1 You share it on all your social media channels and garner likes and shares depending on how viral the content is. If your follower count is going to increase in the coming weeks, don’t you deprive them of all the valuable information you have already posted! Remember you should always re-share relevant content at the right time. So, Is It OK to Share Content More than Once? The reality is that, nobody cares. Do you even remember what you had for breakfast yesterday morning? The point is good content needs to be shared multiple times for the benefit of your audience. My site Managementguru is all about business management. And topics related to Human Resource, Stress Management, Social Media Marketing get more likes and shares when reposted on my social media channels. When it comes to content marketing it is nothing but trial and error. Content sharing tips: Design a unique content sharing strategy for each social media network separately, like different titles and hashtags. Please don’t spam your social media channels. Ask a question or pull quotes from the post itself Quote a tweet from an influencer along with your link in Twitter- This always works Write an irresistible teaser – which will atleast make the reader come, visit your post!  6 Action Steps You Must Take After You Publish A Blog Post Repeated Sharing Analysis Social Sharing Theory 1 Like anything on social, it boils down to measurement. You have to understand if what you’re doing works. Is repeated sharing helping or hurting your traffic to a specific blog post? Which content should you share more of? Which should you share less of?  –  Jade Furubayashi Social Sharing Theory 2 What happens when we share a link to that post a second time the next day? Does the traffic double? Based on the law of diminishing returns, no. That’s not quite what happens during the second round. But, if we share the content again a third time, the traffic (for the second and third sets of shares combined) more than doubles. How can you argue with results like that?  –  Garrett Moon Social Sharing Theory 3 Obviously, pieces that get massive engagement or traffic deserve to be seen more than once, and we double down on those. But the same is true for the opposite; slouches in stats or negative feedback are great indicators that those pieces of content have run their course and should be removed from my content calendar.  –  Jade Furubayashi How to Optimize Your Content for the Top 5 Social Networks 1. Use Brief Summaries on Twitter with attractive images or video The Essential #Social Media Image Cheat Sheet https://t.co/v5hUNug7l8 via @managementguru1 pic.twitter.com/EXk3cpHIOM — Managementguru (@managementguru1) April 9, 2016 2. Be Conversational on Facebook 10 Really...
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Make Instagram Your Brand Ambassador

Make Instagram Your Brand Ambassador
Make Instagram Your Brand Ambassador Watch this VIDEO to quickly double your Instagram followers by spending just 5 minutes per day. Instagram is the new wave in social media marketing niche and is growing by leaps and bounds. Since it is an online mobile photo-sharing, video-sharing social networking service, user access is easy – is that not an added advantage for your business promotion? More than selling, making your brand reach the right target audience is more important. Instagram is one such mobile SNWS which facilitates easy brand promotion with little effort but huge exposure. A Few Excerpts from the Web on How to Use Instagram Effectively for Your Marketing What if we told you that Instagram is currently the world’s fastest-growing social media network and can boast of having 400 million active users? That’s 100 million more than Twitter. Can you afford to ignore such an opportunity? Since Facebook’s acquisition of the channel in 2012, Instagram growth has exploded, with 400 million active users, 30 billion photos shared, and an average of 70 million photos posted per day. With the adoption of a few best practices, Instagram can become a viable and engaging platform for many businesses to help build their brand and reputation and ultimately sell more. And while some businesses, particularly those with visual appeal (including those in the fashion, food, travel and entertainment industries), will find Instagram an instant fit, there remain a number of opportunities available to organizations in any vertical. Remember: Instagram will only drive success if it is operated as part of a cohesive marketing #strategy (nothing works in a vacuum). To this end, you should use Instagram (and any other social media channel) to keep your prospects and clients engaged with your brand. Social media will not replace the need for a well-designed website, a regularly updated blog and a targeted email marketing strategy (this will drive revenue). Put all four of these items together, and you’ll find, with the addition of hard work and planning, success comes more easily. Curated from Instagram for Business — Picture-Perfect Marketing Instagram Gives Amazing Results Through User Engagement People are engaging with Instagram posts on levels unparalleled by any other social network. According to Forrester research, Instagram user interactions with brands is 400% higher than on Facebook and Twitter, delivering 58 times more engagement per follower than Facebook and 120 times more engagement per follower than Twitter. Curated from 5 Killer Instagram Marketing Strategies You Need to Know | SocialTimes Effective Instagram Marketing Strategies 1. Formulate your creative strategy: Ask yourself what your business has to offer people who are on Instagram. Why should they follow you on Instagram, when they are already following you on Facebook and Twitter? The trick here is to give them exclusive access to things that have more to do with your business location and your community than the actual promotions itself. When you’re using Instagram, think of personal engagement and the genuine interest of your audience as opposed to making your posts all about sales and promotions. 2. Use relevant hashtags: Hashtags tend to get mixed reviews from people, primarily because a lot of users haven’t mastered the art of effectively using them. But the beauty of hashtags from a business perspective is that it allows your posts to be visible to people who search for certain hashtags. The rule of thumb is to stick to about 4 to 7 hashtags, and make sure you make use of popular trending hashtags. 3. Share often, but don’t over-saturate your followers’ feeds: The best way to go about this is to create a posting schedule when you think your followers are most...
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